Blatant interference by the U.S. in Guyana’s internal affairs unacceptable

I HAVE noticed that the current U.S. Ambassador to Guyana has been commenting on many internal issues here in our country. I am not a diplomat or politician, but surely it seems to me that this is blatant interference in our internal affairs.

The Ambassador visited the APNU offices to announce a democracy project and he is demanding local government elections. This man seems to have joined the ranks of PNC/APNU!
He is engaged in training journalists. What for? He wants to build up a journalist base to do his bidding. The government needs to find out from the U.S. government if this is the ambassador’s role. It is clear he is interfering without an invitation.
I wish to point out the disastrous results of such interference by the United States experienced by countries worldwide.
Iraq is a mess and it is their interference in Iran that has led to a militant regime. Their action in Libya has destroyed that country. They have, by proxy, their hands in Syria’s affairs.
Our history has also shown that the U.S. was responsible for 28 years of suffering and dictatorship under PNC rule.
Please, USA, keep out of our business. Wait for an invitation before you meddle.


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