FIRST-FORM students of the Line Path Secondary School at Skeldon, Corriverton and of the Tutorial Academy Secondary School in New Amsterdam, Berbice,
accompanied by their teachers, Friday visited the Guyana Chronicle on an educational tour celebrating Guyana’s 47th Independence Anniversary.
The students were very interested in the processes comprising production of the national newspaper. Line Path students, given the tour first, were very interested in how the various articles are compiled and what constitutes the content of the newspaper. Tutorial Academy students were keenly interested in the quantity of papers printed daily, and the qualifications and other requirements to become a journalist in the state media.
Tutorial students were lucky to meet former student Mark Bradford, now a senior journalist at the Guyana National Newspapers Limited, who explained to them the functions of the editorial department.
Both groups were given a detailed tour of the GNNL, after which the students promised to hold classroom discussions on what they had learnt, and to prepare a composition on their visit.
The teachers of both schools thanked the management of the Guyana Chronicle for affording them the opportunity to visit the Guyana National Newspapers Limited.