SESC Sao Paulo – Social Service of Commerce in Brazil – in partnership with the Trim and Fitness International Sport for All Association (TAFISA) a company based in Germany, will today promote the Challenge Day, a sport for all movements in benefit of health.
Challenge Day has the objective of introducing a new attitude towards active living by stimulating citizens to break their daily routine and practise any kind of physical activity for at least 15 minutes.
The International Challenge Day is a friendly competition in sport for ALL where communities compete against each other to motivate as many people as possible within the communities to get physically active.
Above all, the event is a fun day that creates awareness and enthusiasm for fitness and active living in participating communities.
International Challenge Day is available for communities of only a small population, to the largest cities in the world.
The International Challenge Day brings any community together, enhances community spirit, creates awareness of the benefits of physical activity, is inclusive – people of any age, gender, fitness and ability level can participate, is social, safe and fun.
Guyana is committed to participate in this important International Event.
To achieve the objective, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport/National Sports Commission has organised a major activity focusing on sport activities/physical displays involving Martial Arts, Boxing, Physical Displays by the Guyana Police Force, and Jump Rope Display by School of the Nations from 09:30hrs this morning, at the Guyana National Stadium.
Schools along the East Coast of Demerara and other invitees will participate in a Physical Warm-up Exercise for approximately 20 minutes, coordinated by Noshavyah King, Certified Personal Trainer, Aerobic Instructor and Sports Conditioning Trainer of Genesis Fitness Express while Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony will give the motivational talk.