MEASURES are being taken to boost the teaching staff at the Georgetown School of Nursing after four full-time tutors retired in the last five months among a complement of 12 full-time tutors at the beginning of 2012.
In addition, plans are on stream to increase the number of fulltime tutors by employing an additional 10 within the next six months.
In the meantime there are 14 part-time tutors complementing the fulltime tutors, while 16 clinical instructors are also used to perform some of the duties of tutors.
This training institution is being firmly positioned by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration to make an invaluable contribution towards the delivery of quality health care services across the country.
The recent graduation exercise celebrated the achievements of 209 young Guyanese who joined the Nursing School in 2008; nursing assistants who joined in 2010; single trained midwives who joined in 2010; and post-basic midwives who joined in 2009 and 2011 respectively. A small number of professional nurses who joined in 2011 also graduated.
The graduating nurses included 84 professional nurses, 42 nursing assistants, 58 post-basic midwives, and 25 single trained midwives. The various categories received diplomas and certificates.
The Georgetown School of Nursing is delivering on its mandate, even in difficult circumstances. Meanwhile, the PPP/C Administration has been devoting more and more resources towards supporting the efforts of the school. In 2011 some $159 Million was allocated for General Nursing Training – a small but appreciable increase over the previous year.
Up to September 2012 some $156 Million had been spent. Further sums were spent on Public Health Nursing and Anaesthetic Nursing Training which further enriches the skills-mix needed for quality service delivery while providing upward professional mobility.