OVER the years, since the return to democracy, with a free media that allows for all to express their views in Guyana, a noted feature in Letter columns has been letters from the diaspora, that makes all manner of criticisms.These, are of a varied kind, ranging from constructive, with Guyana’s best interests in mind; arid criticisms for the mere sake of being able to do so, to all out anti-government. In fact, many of the latter category, speak of issues without being properly informed. As to when last they would have visited their homeland, is another matter. These are the arm chair critics/experts who, from afar, sit in Judgment on the country of their birth.
Two of this well known grouping, Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh are two regulars that represent this peculiar group. By now, from their many missives they are true blue anti-government, with never an objective view, particularly as to the transformation now in progress throughout Guyana. Had they been, they would not have penned the jaundiced letter published in the Kaieteur News on 16/4/13, under the title ‘Poor governance has stalled development in Guyana’.
In this obviously anti-Government piece, they referred to especially “….nothing is done to improve the situation. This happens in all services: namely education, healthcare, sanitation, water, power, road, drainage, agriculture and other areas of societal importance. Even in the procuring of a house-lot, the citizens have to struggle; most despicable indeed”.
This is outright bias! No one is saying that these areas are perfect; but, there have been four-fold improvement, since the PPP/C government assumed office in 1992. For the multi-billion dollars invested, these sectors are giving better service to the nation, than at any other time in our history. It is not necessary for one to tabulate the achievements in each of these sectors mentioned by these two poisoned minds, for they are already well known and recorded, and can be attested to, even by the political friends of Rose and Singh, if they are honest.
Just behold the resounding success of the visionary housing programme, via which tens of thousands of Guyanese are now proud homeowners!
The two aimless critics must be reminded, that the housing initiative as executed in Guyana, is very unique anywhere, since it affords working class Guyanese equal opportunity at home ownership.
I challenge these two gentlemen to return to Guyana, and visit these very beautiful housing schemes.
Finally, Guyana is indeed blessed to have been protected against the ravages of the international economic crises, still wreaking havoc on economies, particularly in the developed world. Even if Guyana’s GDP is not “growing at 8%”, as suggested by these “development experts”, there is potential for such to occur, as there has been a recorded seventh consecutive year of economic growth. This is because of an astutely managed economy, that has facilitated the great budgetary investments in the very sectors which Rose and pal seeks to denigrate. Even the international multilateral institutions have lauded Guyana’s economic progress.
Now for a little advice/reminder to Rose and Singh – give praise where it is due. It is the hallmark of maturity.
Two of this well known grouping, Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh are two regulars that represent this peculiar group. By now, from their many missives they are true blue anti-government, with never an objective view, particularly as to the transformation now in progress throughout Guyana. Had they been, they would not have penned the jaundiced letter published in the Kaieteur News on 16/4/13, under the title ‘Poor governance has stalled development in Guyana’.
In this obviously anti-Government piece, they referred to especially “….nothing is done to improve the situation. This happens in all services: namely education, healthcare, sanitation, water, power, road, drainage, agriculture and other areas of societal importance. Even in the procuring of a house-lot, the citizens have to struggle; most despicable indeed”.
This is outright bias! No one is saying that these areas are perfect; but, there have been four-fold improvement, since the PPP/C government assumed office in 1992. For the multi-billion dollars invested, these sectors are giving better service to the nation, than at any other time in our history. It is not necessary for one to tabulate the achievements in each of these sectors mentioned by these two poisoned minds, for they are already well known and recorded, and can be attested to, even by the political friends of Rose and Singh, if they are honest.
Just behold the resounding success of the visionary housing programme, via which tens of thousands of Guyanese are now proud homeowners!
The two aimless critics must be reminded, that the housing initiative as executed in Guyana, is very unique anywhere, since it affords working class Guyanese equal opportunity at home ownership.
I challenge these two gentlemen to return to Guyana, and visit these very beautiful housing schemes.
Finally, Guyana is indeed blessed to have been protected against the ravages of the international economic crises, still wreaking havoc on economies, particularly in the developed world. Even if Guyana’s GDP is not “growing at 8%”, as suggested by these “development experts”, there is potential for such to occur, as there has been a recorded seventh consecutive year of economic growth. This is because of an astutely managed economy, that has facilitated the great budgetary investments in the very sectors which Rose and pal seeks to denigrate. Even the international multilateral institutions have lauded Guyana’s economic progress.
Now for a little advice/reminder to Rose and Singh – give praise where it is due. It is the hallmark of maturity.