SO it’s another defeat for the political opposition. One can only say ‘thank God for the judiciary and justice’; as well as kudos to the learned Attorney General for successfully mounting yet another challenge to a diktat of the opposition.
One wonders now what will be the tactic of these time wasters with this latest court ruling. Obviously, such a strategy of trying to frustrate the function of the House and business of the nation, perhaps done with the intention of instilling a false sense of expectation within the minds of their many supporters, have backfired. This can only result in both their party membership, and general constituency questioning their party leadership on the merit of their sterile actions.
The court’s ruling could not have occurred at a most appropriate time, given the recent unveiling by the minister of the sweeping security sector reforms. It is inevitable that there will be legislative pieces arising therefrom, to give teeth to these changes. This will require the minister to be free and uninhibited, as he continues to serve the nation in a manner that will promote theirs and the national wellbeing.
Justice has again prevailed with diktat sent further down the abyss. The nation can now continue its progress.