SOME politicians will always be branded as hypocritical, because of the natural double standard that they display. The particularly well known characteristic of this brand of wannabe is that they are daily talkers, always consistently promoting themselves as paragons of virtue – the “I don’t do this, or that” category.
This is their strategy, becoming their forte eventually, since they need to remind themselves of an integrity which is beyond their natural self, and in the process, to deceive their followers.
Immediately, Moses Nagamootoo comes to mind, for he easily fits this category. After playing bravado by walking away from the PPP/C, an action which he must now surely regret, he has been among the chief parliamentary bottle washers, leading the choral attacks of corruption against the government. One would believe that this chameleon is whiter than an angel’s night gown, as the saying goes. But there is a saying, “you can’t fool all of the people all the time.” This aptly applies to Nagamootoo, for he has once again been seriously exposed.
Of course, he did support the president’s pension and other benefits Bill. How can he utter otherwise in the august assembly of the House, when he is on record as voting with his former party and colleague MPs. What a desperate attempt at lying, with his usual rhetoric: “It rattled my soul.” He kept up this charade all during the 2011 election campaign, as this particular issue was the main agenda of his party, the Alliance For Change ( AFC).
Then there is the other big deception, and perfidious treachery, of bitter criticism of the National Industrial Commercial and Investments Limited, an important state entity that had retained his services, paying him millions of dollars in the process. How could he, as a sworn member of the National Assembly, and a people’s representative indulge in such gross dishonesty and duplicitous conduct, of receiving fees while being among the leaders of highly sustained daily attacks on NICIL? Never did he disclose that he was receiving monies for legal services from this institution.
But Nagamootoo’s behaviour, reflects the now exposed double standards and conundrum of his party. With great fanfare, this grouping was presented to the public as one of change, with a new brand of politics, that preached and promised honesty and integrity and principled governance among its many outpourings. But time is always a fair revelator and judge, as it is with so many aspects of daily life, including political leaders.
Sometime ago, there was an angry complaint from a well-known member of the Berbice branch of the AFC, levelled against another, of conduct which the complaining member deemed to be seriously inappropriate. The party’s executive was silent in its response, until the complainant decided to publicise the matter. How many times has not this party sung about the need for openness!
So this is the level of hypocrisy and double standard which has been the sin qua non of this party, and by extension, one of its leading members, Moses Nagamootoo. He has always touted himself as a disciple of the late Father of the Nation and President of the Republic, the revered Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Such claim is a grave desecration to this great Guyanese hero, who never subscribed to such dishonesty.
But this is vintage Nagamootoo, now finally seen for who he really is.
This is their strategy, becoming their forte eventually, since they need to remind themselves of an integrity which is beyond their natural self, and in the process, to deceive their followers.
Immediately, Moses Nagamootoo comes to mind, for he easily fits this category. After playing bravado by walking away from the PPP/C, an action which he must now surely regret, he has been among the chief parliamentary bottle washers, leading the choral attacks of corruption against the government. One would believe that this chameleon is whiter than an angel’s night gown, as the saying goes. But there is a saying, “you can’t fool all of the people all the time.” This aptly applies to Nagamootoo, for he has once again been seriously exposed.
Of course, he did support the president’s pension and other benefits Bill. How can he utter otherwise in the august assembly of the House, when he is on record as voting with his former party and colleague MPs. What a desperate attempt at lying, with his usual rhetoric: “It rattled my soul.” He kept up this charade all during the 2011 election campaign, as this particular issue was the main agenda of his party, the Alliance For Change ( AFC).
Then there is the other big deception, and perfidious treachery, of bitter criticism of the National Industrial Commercial and Investments Limited, an important state entity that had retained his services, paying him millions of dollars in the process. How could he, as a sworn member of the National Assembly, and a people’s representative indulge in such gross dishonesty and duplicitous conduct, of receiving fees while being among the leaders of highly sustained daily attacks on NICIL? Never did he disclose that he was receiving monies for legal services from this institution.
But Nagamootoo’s behaviour, reflects the now exposed double standards and conundrum of his party. With great fanfare, this grouping was presented to the public as one of change, with a new brand of politics, that preached and promised honesty and integrity and principled governance among its many outpourings. But time is always a fair revelator and judge, as it is with so many aspects of daily life, including political leaders.
Sometime ago, there was an angry complaint from a well-known member of the Berbice branch of the AFC, levelled against another, of conduct which the complaining member deemed to be seriously inappropriate. The party’s executive was silent in its response, until the complainant decided to publicise the matter. How many times has not this party sung about the need for openness!
So this is the level of hypocrisy and double standard which has been the sin qua non of this party, and by extension, one of its leading members, Moses Nagamootoo. He has always touted himself as a disciple of the late Father of the Nation and President of the Republic, the revered Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Such claim is a grave desecration to this great Guyanese hero, who never subscribed to such dishonesty.
But this is vintage Nagamootoo, now finally seen for who he really is.