TWO hundred and thirty-five (235) cases are listed for trial at the Demerara Criminal Session, over which the Honourable Justices Roxanne George, Navindra Singh and Dawn Gregory will preside.
The Session commences on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, and of the listed cases, 72 are for the capital offence of murder, 27 are for manslaughter, nine are for attempting to commit murder, 74 are for carnal knowledge of girls under 15 years old, 36 are for rape, and four are for causing death by dangerous driving.
The Guyana Police Force Band and 60 ranks of the Tactical Services Unit will constitute the usual ceremonial parade staged to herald the opening of the Session; and one of the three (3) judges will inspect the Guard of Honour mounted for the occasion, and will later take the salute during a march-past.