A distillation of the circumlocutory argumentation of Mr. Ram, stripped of their vitriolic content, yield the following propositions:
1. that the Transparency International Report is grounded upon some empirical data; and
2. that “corruption” is defined by Transparency International “lexicon as a misuse of public office for private gains,” and presumably, their assessment is therefore confined to public office and public office holders.
These assertions are, at best, palpably wrong and at worse, hopelessly tenuous.
Firstly, it is axiomatic that Transparency International’s methodology is a perception-driven process and not one premised upon empirical evidence. The report itself, by its own title, unwittingly admits to this reality, as it is styled a “Perception Index Report”. No amount of clumsy ranting and raving can change that methodological fact.
Secondly, a process which seeks to diagnose the level of corruption in a society but confines its assessment only to the public sector, is one that is both woefully myopic and deeply flawed. Using the definition coined by Transparency International, the reality is that in any society, the other half of a corrupt transaction is, invariably, extrinsic of the public sector. In other words, the private gain which flows from the misuse of the public office, largely, emanates from outside of and not within the public sector.
Therefore, when Transparency International ranks Guyana as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it condemns the entire state apparatus, including, the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature, the private sector and the entire citizenry, as corrupt. It does so, not upon empirical, verifiable evidence, but upon the perception of people who neither work nor reside in Guyana and who are virtually unknown to us; and via a process which offers none an opportunity to utter a single word in our defence.
It is this unjust damnation of an entire nation by an inscrutable process with which I take severe umbrage. No amount of invectives will shift me from this position of principle.