Ms Chase, a mother of three, revealed that she had been presented with coupons after having purchased only one item from Courts for the Christmas holidays.
All that an interested party needs to do to enter this competition, and be as lucky as Abiola Chase, is to purchase from Courts any item valued at least $5000., and collect and complete a coupon which is to be deposited in entry boxes provided at all COURTS locations countrywide.
Presentation for the Courts promotion labelled “Win a Rendezvous for 2” was also done, and each of the winners was presented with their prize – an all-expense -paid trip to St. Lucia for two persons.
The winners of that promotion are Yaphet Hinds and Alicene Adams, Sherry Persaud and Hazel Matthews.
These winners purchased a Whirlpool brand item and filled out a coupon in order to have their names drawn.
At the end of that draw, chairperson Dacia Braithwaite revealed a more exciting part of the COURTS DRIVE AWAY PROMOTION 2012:
In addition to the last car up for grabs in the next drawing, the management of Courts added a brand New Nissan X-Trail to the final Nissan Note.