Mike’s Pharmacy donates 1000 sample packets of Pregnacare tablets to GPHC

THE Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Thursday last received a donation of a large quantity of ‘Pregnacare’ tablets, the United Kingdom’s number one pregnancy supplement range. altThe donation of 1,000 sample packets each containing one week’s supply of the prenatal formula came with the compliments of Mike’s Pharmacy at Robb and Alexander Streets, Georgetown.  

The items, along with an information kit, were handed over by Misses Saeeda Foo and Andrea Brijlal, Pharmacist and Sales Clerk respectively of Mike’s Pharmacy. They were received by Senior Departmental Supervisor of the GPHC’s Maternity Unit, Ms June Cato, and Pharmacist at the GPHC, Claudia Hinds.

The packets are to be distributed to Government-run maternity clinics.       
Also witnessing the presentation were Sister Nosschella Lalkecharan, Assistant Director of Nursing Services; Mr. Vic Insanally of Guyenterprise; and related staff of the GPHC’s Maternity Unit.

The donors said that Pregnacare, which is manufactured by Vitabiotics, U.K., has a careful balance of 17 vitamins, minerals and folic acid, and is highly recommended for the following situations:

* Conception: as a support for the nutritional requirements of women who are each trying to have a baby;

* All of Pregnancy, and

* Breastfeeding and the post-natal period: as an advanced nutritional support during these periods.  

The product is reputed to be of support to the baby’s brain and eye development as well.

The samples are to be distributed free of charge, but bottles containing 30 tablets (a month’s supply) are available at the distributor, Mike’s Pharmacy and other pharmacies.  

Health officials expressed gratitude for the donation, and said that maternity clinics will run education & sensitization sessions for ante- and post-natal clients using the supplement.

However, mothers and expectant mothers are warned against taking iron tablets along with Pregnacare, which is already fortified with iron.  An overdose of iron, taken under any condition, can be fatal.
Users are also advised that, if using calcium, it should be taken at least two hours before or after using Pregnacare, since calcium is known to inhibit the absorption of iron and trace elements with which the formula is fortified. For best results, use the two at least two hours apart.

Meanwhile, Mr. Vic Insanally, who lauded the collaboration between the GPHC and Mike’s, considered the initiative to have augured well for GPHC/private sector relations. He had kudos for the work of the institution, which he said is continuing to make tremendous strides in promoting health care in Guyana.  

Insanally alluded to the ‘not so favourable’ comments made in the media about the GPHC, adding, “People tend to run with very sensational stories…making it a headline for the day.”

He expressed confidence in the GPHC, and insisted that the hospital is doing a good job. Mr. Insanally said: “Georgetown Hospital is doing a tremendous job. It’s a national referral hospital, so everything ends up at their doorstep…but they can’t turn them away – good or bad.”                 

He observed that people very often wait until it is too late to bring their patients to the GPHC, and when things turn out bad, the hospital is blamed. “But there are always two sides to a story,” he concluded.  


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