THE Ministry of Housing and Water yesterday held a “One Stop Shop” at the Uitvlugt Community Centre, where approximately 440 houselots were allocated for the new housing scheme at De Groot en Klyne, Uitvlugt, on the West Coast of Demerara.
Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, advised that some 1,800 persons will benefit from the allocation of these new houselots and according to him, the housing scheme is being completed at a cost of $387M.
He disclosed that the physical works on the scheme are approximately 60-70% completed, and it is hoped that all physical infrastructure will be in place by the end of this year.
The minister noted that for each plot of land, the government is investing almost $900,000 which excludes administrative costs. He added that the per capita investment is $212,500.
Ali pointed out that between the years 2004 and 2011, government has invested more than $6B on housing development in Region 3.
According to him, more that 110,000 people have benefited from the initiative and more than $230,000 has been invested per family, while there is a per capita investment of $53,000.
“What this means, is that for every man, woman or child in a home, the government has invested, on your behalf , $53,000 per person in terms of housing development,” he emphasised.
In addition, Ali explained that housing development follows very closely to other infrastructural development such as new wells and new water mains, and that the ministry has been making corresponding investments in the enhancement of these infrastructures as well.
He further highlighted that although there has been expansive housing development in Region 3, there is still a high demand; and for this reason, the opening of this new scheme is still not the end of housing development in the region.
The minister also advised that a lot of young people are now applying for their own houselots and that the bulk of applications actually belong to people between ages 22 and 35.
“It’s a good thing when we see young people committed to owning their own assets; and I think that commitment shows commitment to stay and build Guyana and this is what we want to encourage,” he stated.
Furthermore, Ali revealed that the ministry is currently negotiating the release of two additional stretches of land with GuySuCo.
He advised that one is in the De Willem/Zeeburg area, on the West Coast of Demerara, immediately horizontal to the existing Uitvlugt development, while the other is at Versailles, West Bank Demerara, behind the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) power station.
He noted that once these lands become available, the development of those housing schemes should begin early next year.
Additionally, the minister disclosed that the Ministry of Housing and Water is on the verge of making a significant investment in Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara.
He said that they had promised to construct a new entrance and exit for Parfaite Harmonie and that, that project is currently at the tender board stage.
“…hopefully, at the end of the year, we will start work on a new $600-plus million highway leading into Parfaite Harmonie, that will come out from in front of the Demerara Harbour Bridge,” he stated.
Ali emphasised that the ministry is in the process of repossessing house lots which were allocated to persons in housing schemes in Region 3, such as Tuschen, Zeelugt, Leonora and Parfaite Harmonie, and are yet to be occupied. He said this is being done so that the lots can be given to persons who are more interested in building.
“Those are steps that we will take and we want people to understand why we’re taking these decisions. Sometimes when you take these decisions people say that you are insensitive, that you’re too aggressive…but it is in the interest of all citizens that we have to make these decisions…” he stated.
He noted that some people hold the plot of land until the value goes up as people start building, and then sell it. However, he stressed that this is illegal.
“We have a no-nonsense approach to illegality. You cannot sell these lands; if we find you selling it we are going to take all necessary action to repossess the land and to have you charged,” the minister asserted.
According to him, the housing sector is one of the most transformative sectors, not only in terms of the physical landscape, but also because of the tremendous economic benefits that arise. He noted especially, that jobs in various fields are created through the housing sector.
“First of all, you have to get your land cleared, you have to get sand, so you’re creating jobs for the trucking service. Then you have to get architects, you have to get labourers, carpenters, masons. So you can see building a home has tremendous benefits for the entire society,” he stated.
In addition, Ali pointed out that the private sector and the banking sector were present at the One Stop Shop.
He noted that the private sector is collaborating with the ministry to offer special prices for cement, building materials and home furnishings.
The banking sector, he said, has been continuously reorienting itself to meet the housing needs and housing requirements of Guyanese citizens, noting that before 1992, the interest rate was almost 39 percent for housing loans, while today interest rates have declined significantly to as low as 4.2 percent.