HUNDREDS of spectators flocked Main Street in the city last evening to usher in the Christmas spirit at the 12th annual Courts Christmas tree light-up at its main branch.
Onlookers joined Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Tourism (ag) Irfaan Ali to welcome Santa Clause, Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob, Mickey Mouse, Spiderman and Batman.
Spectators were awestruck by the
splendid programme put together by the Courts team.
The programme was emceed by Wanita Huburn and Curtis Armstrong aka Casual.
The crowd was treated to various dances and songs by local artistes and groups, including Jackie Hanover, Lisa Punch, the National School of Dance and the National Dance Company and even a steel pan demonstration by Ras Camo.
The second winner of the ongoing Christmas promotion, Courts Drive-away Promotion, Ms. Angela Seales, was also in attendance and was presented with her new car much to her excitement.
According to Managing Director of Courts Clyde De Haas, this activity is what has become not just an annual event or Christmas concert, but rather the Christmas Season Kick Off.
In delivering the feature address Minister Ali lauded Courts for its extravagant event and stated that as everyone is out here to celebrate the commencement of the Christmas season, here on Main Street and all across Guyana, the work that Courts has been doing must be acknowledged as well as the investment that the company is making in ensuring they bring together all the people of Guyana in celebration and welcoming this season of goodwill, joy and happiness.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hinds stated that from when he was a child to now, the season has changed, but expectations are quite the same, with the sponge cake and black cake being the Guyanese tradition.
He noted that this year, things are better in Guyana as we don’t have to wait for Christmas to give toys to the children and have all the nice things; however Christmas still has a very good spirit, as it is a time when good will prevail amongst all Guyanese.
Hinds also requested that the spirit of this Christmas should last throughout the New Year, until Christmas 2013.
With those words, he wished everyone a very merry Christmas, and then the lights strung up in trees along Main Street were lit.
There was also a march-past by the Police Band, and a masquerade band, as well as carolling by the Courts choir, followed by the arrival of Santa Clause and his team comic book characters.