Kato police killing : Full military send off for murdered ranks : …Aaron to be buried today, Letlow tomorrow

THE Guyana Police Force has confirmed that constables Marlon Letlow and Ledon Aaron will be given military funerals since they were killed in the line of duty.
The Guyana Chronicle was told that there will be the ceremonial parade and march in honour for the two constables who were found dead at Karisparu Village Region 8 on Wednesday October 17. It was also confirmed that the Force has given the relatives of the fallen men $200,000 to assist with their funeral arrangements.
A police source said that the Aaron’s body will be open for viewing at a location in the city before making its way to the Friendship Cemetery for burial. The senior rank explained that somewhere along the East Coast of Demerara the ranks in their ceremonial clothing will gather and march in honour of their fallen colleague.
The Guyana Police Force Band and Choir are also expected to be part of the ceremony.

Although this publication was allowed much information from Letlow’s family about his funeral arrangements, the Chronicle was able to confirm that he will be buried tomorrow, also with military honours.
Meanwhile, on Friday, Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell said that the Guyana Police Force is not in receipt of any evidence to suggest that Constables Marlon Letlow and Ledon Aaron were involved in any robbery prior to the discovery of their bodies last week Wednesday at an interior location.
Commissioner Brumell said that the force continues to hear different stories about what really happened in the location before the bodies of the men were recovered. He noted that the truth could only be determined when investigators return to headquarters return with their findings.
Brumell also refuted claims that the younger of the two, Constable Aaron was manning the Kato Police Station. According to him, there are instances when junior ranks are sometimes placed in charge of a particular shift due to shortage of ranks in the district.
Meanwhile asked about the posting of Constable Marlon Letlow to the mineral rich community to work, following his previous court manner, and if it was an unwise move, Brumell said that it was not.
He said that in the case of Letlow, the commander of the division should have ensured that the officer was properly monitored.
Brumell told the Chronicle that contrary to reports in some circles, when Letlow was fingered in the case involving the death of two miners in a Bartica Hotel, he was at the time working out of the Tactical Service Unit Base at Eve Leary in Georgetown. He said that the officer was not stationed in Bartica at that time.
On Friday it was confirmed that the two policemen both died as a result of gunshots about the body. This was confirmed by a post mortem performed by government pathologist Nehaul Singh.
Following the discovery of the bodies of the policemen there were reports arising which suggested that the two men had earlier robbed a group of miners in the area.
A police source had said that the intended target in the deaths might have been Marlon Letlow and that his death seems more like revenge. That theory made its rounds among many police officers who remembered that it was this very Marlon Letlow who was fingered and charged, along with four other persons, for aiding and abetting in the robbery and murder of two gold miners in a Bartica hotel in 2010.
In 2010, Rawle Newton was accused of murdering Jainarine Raghubir and Ramdeo Deonarine. Letlow and the four other persons were charged with receiving, relieving, comforting, assisting and maintaining Rawle Newton after he committed the crime.
At the time, Marlon Letlow was attached to the Tactical Service Unit of the Force.
Letlow faced the courts for allegedly playing a part in the crime but was earlier this year cleared of the initial charge and he was reinstated into the Force.


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