President Ramotar remains firm on Linden visit -blockages continue to prevent him entering the community

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar remains firm in his resolve to visit Linden but endless efforts have been made even up to yesterday preventing the President from responding to the call to go to that community. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon disclosed that up to yesterday blockages of key roadways were continuing effectively preventing the President from entering the township.
“The President knows where the buck stops. He will not delegate such an important visit to a subordinate be he a minister or otherwise. He wants to go to Linden himself but the difficulties persist,” he said.
Dr. Luncheon said that in lieu of this visit by the President, engagements between the administration, the political opposition, the Chairman of Region 10 and his delegation, members of the Linden Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Development (LCICD) and members of the private sector continue in Georgetown at the Office of the President.
He added that as a result of these discussions some of the contentions of the protestors have already been addressed.
“The situation has evolved somewhat but the road blocks are still there; still preventing access to the town.”
Dr. Luncheon said that the meetings in Georgetown between the President and stakeholders will continue to seek ways and means to end the stand-off.
With respect to the Commission of Inquiry into the shooting deaths of three protestors at Linden, he said that the terms of reference were completed on deadline and were expected to have been discussed by Parliament during the sittings yesterday.
Government last week announced that the July 1 deadline on which the electricity tariff hike was scheduled to take effect in Linden had been put on hold.
It was disclosed that following consultation with officials from Region 10 and the political opposition, government had moved to establish a technical team to brainstorm options to the electricity tariff system.
According to this decision a review will include all available and practical options and the attendant implications, financial and otherwise.
Government had also undertaken to have members of the technical team named with collaboration from both sides and the team would draft terms of reference that would be agreed upon by both sides.


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