Woman alleges victimization by Christopher Ram

I AM shocked to see that one chartered accountant named Christopher Ram is using my name and making malicious allegations in his letter dated Tuesday July 31, 2012. Christopher Ram and other supporters were harassing me online and I had to provide identification evidence and a cellphone number to keep my account active. The malicious reports that the opposition supporters made affected my account. Christopher Ram has no right in requesting personal information from me because that is extortion.

I was also being harassed on an AFC Facebook Grouping for telling the supporters to spread peace. Instead, they called me “troll”, “PPP lowlife” and demanded that I give them my address and identification number. I think that is extortion and cyber crime.

Christopher Ram plays the victim, but I only shared the post from an external website. Why is Christopher Ram attacking the messenger?

Just because he is in an alleged conflict of interest position with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana, and the UK accounting body has no jurisdiction to investigate overseas members, which puts Christopher Ram from being immune to investigation for unethical practices, doesn’t mean that he should silence anyone who discusses him critically, as he continually does to others.

I’ve been reading on opposition Facebook pages about people advocating violence on PPP/C members and PPP supporters.

Unfortunately, Facebook system report abuse feature is automated in some cases, and if 100 people maliciously report a person for expressing unwanted opinions, then that person’s Facebook account can get banned; and Guyana’s opposition has more than 100 persons primed to oppose the opinions of PPP/C supporters, so their comments automatically get deleted.

Christopher Ram has no business to get personal information from me, and he should desist from placing my name in newspapers without my permission as it invades my privacy.

Should this persist, I am contemplating meeting with a lawyer against Kaieteur News for publishing my name, even though I am not a public figure.
Politicians should not use private citizens as means of slandering and making accusations. I made no accusations against Christopher Ram, merely re-posted information that was circulating in Facebook accounts, which is acceptable practice that even Guyana’s opposition supporters engage in. He has to identify whoever made the original allegations and then provide proof of his innocence in the accusations made, but those allegations are circulating in cyberspace for anyone to access.
Apart from the allegations of which he wrote, his ex-wife also has a damning letter circulating about him, in which she made many damning accusations. Mr. Ram continually points fingers at persons whom he wishes to vilify, often without a shred of evidence, and he did admit in the NICIL debate that many of his contentions are mere conjectures; so why should he object to others accusing him of funding Mark Benschop and of being part of the cabal that started the Linden unrest.
The majority of Guyanese are not foolish people, and it is widely known the part Christopher Ram plays in local politics, even without the confirmative letter by his former wife. After all, he is also a presidential contender who once wanted Bharrat Jagdeo to step down so that he could have assumed the presidency in an interim governmental construct.

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