TAPAKUMA Toshao Ms Doreen Jackobus is very thankful to Food for the Poor Inc (FFTP) for donating to that Amerindian community 16 computers, and solar panels that can produce some 95 watts of electricity. The Toshao said the computers would be used by residents and children to surf the Internet, and do research that would help them to ascend the education ladder.
Ms Jackobus said eight of the computers have already been installed in the village community centre, while the solar panels have been installed on the roof.
The Toshao said villagers, especially children, are eagerly awaiting commencement of operations of the computer IT centre, but an IT teacher is needed to run the training sessions.
Toshao Jackobus and residents are thankful to the Director of Food for the Poor Inc., Mr Leon Davis, for the computers, solar panels and some 60 houses that were recently commissioned in the village.
She said Food for the Poor Inc has made a difference in the lives of residents of that hinterland village.
Tapakuma toshao, residents grateful for help of FFTP