MANY times, people from all walks of life would ask me to ‘explain’ the difference between a desktop, a laptop and a notebook computer; what are the good and bad qualities of each; and which one should they buy? Strange in this time and age, but that’s how it is. I guess lots of people use these devices without knowing the main difference(s) between them. So, let’s get down to business and start knowing the difference(s). The main difference between a desktop computer and a notebook computer is the size and shape.
Desktop computers are much bigger and heavier than laptops and notebooks. Most of them [desktops] usually store more information, and have more features than the other computer types. This being said, they are usually left at home, and are not for quick transport. Also, desktop computers usually have all of their parts in different pieces. They have no battery, but a power supply in their cases. While desktops are bigger and not portable, many find them to be faster and easier to work with. The monitor, mouse, keyboard, and System Unit (main box) are separated from each other.
The space in a desktop computer will often allow the user to choose almost unlimited accessories and options that a laptop computer just may not have the space to hold; things like a top-speed processor, the latest state-of-the-art sound and graphics cards, extra ports for external linking, and more than enough storage space for all of the programs, music and video clips than you’ll ever need.
The extra space also comes with one more big benefit that you don’t often find with a laptop: The ability to easily upgrade. This means that you can keep your machine from becoming obsolete for much longer, by continually adding the latest programs, components and accessories to it.
Laptop computers are designed for on-the-go travel. While they can be used as home computers, laptops are outfitted with batteries, and can be transported easily from one place to another. Laptops and notebooks are usually confused as being the same thing. While they both are designed for travel, the laptop usually has graphics cards, CD writer drives, and larger (usually heavier) screens. A big question to consider when buying a computer is whether you should have a laptop or a notebook.
The one glaring advantage a laptop computer holds over its desktop counterpart is portability. If you have a job that requires you to travel, or if you’re a student living in a closet-sized dormitory with three others students, a laptop computer is practically a necessity. No matter how powerful or fast your desktop computer is, you can’t unplug it, take it wherever you wish, and finish writing your report while you are out.
Despite the common misconception that all desktop computers are more powerful than laptops, the laptop computers of today have much better technology in them than the laptops of yesterday. You will pay more for a super-powerful laptop than you will for the same calibre of desktop, but then again, the lower price of the desktop won’t help you on-the-go. Popular laptop sizes are 14” to 19”, while the most used ones are 15.6”.
Notebook computers are often confused with laptop computers. Notebooks are light, extremely portable, and have a long battery life. While popular with students and businessmen, notebooks have great qualities that anyone can enjoy. Notebooks are usually not fitted with graphics cards, and usually have a smaller, more compact keyboard. They are ideal for homework, assignments, papers and forms. The main purpose of a notebook is functionality; it is not so much an entertainment medium as it is a project manager.
Desktop/advantages: Designed for heavy use and large capacity; ideal for home office/family computer; easier to use for most people.
Desktop/disadvantages: Not portable; can take up a lot of space.
Laptop/advantages: Portable and easy to set up; compact yet capable of media play (videos, games); can substitute as a home computer.
Laptop/disadvantages: Can still be heavy if needed for constant portability; battery life is not always very long (depending on what it’s doing); can get bogged down.
Notebook/advantages: Very light and easy to move around; ideal for documentation and small presentations; great for classroom or workplace environments; long battery life.
Notebook/disadvantages: Not for graphic needs (video, games); not great for multitasking.
This choice depends on what you will be using the computer for. If you plan to keep it at home all the time, and need an easy-to-use and efficient device, a desktop is the best choice. If you need to take it to meetings, but also need to be able to create intricate (elaborate) graphical presentations on it, a laptop is the perfect decision. If you’re a student and need to take notes and homework assignments down, a powerful little notebook is right up your alley.
It’s all about your needs in a computer; finding out what you need your computer to do will help you decide on which type of computer is right for you!
Buying a computer from a reputable and reliable manufacturer will ensure that you get a high quality machine. This is a piece of equipment that will be a big part of your life, hopefully, for years to come; you shouldn’t look to get the cheapest price if it will mean that you are sacrificing quality. Never spend your hard-earned money on a machine that has gotten a host of unfavourable reviews, or on a machine that you’ve never heard of. Talk to an IT professional or someone who knows about computers.