THE Guyana Consumers Association (GCA) learnt with shock and great sadness that the Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company had demitted office. It is alleged that some of the officers of the company acted in an untoward fashion and betrayed the trust he had reposed in them. Mr. Mahadeo, though in no way personally culpable, assumed full responsibility and with befitting dignity and integrity resigned, thus helping to resuscitate the time-honoured older Guyanese corporate culture.
In the comparatively short time Mr. Mahadeo served as CEO, his achievements were remarkable. But one of his greatest achievements was that he was able to inspire trust and acceptability in the consumer as well as government. There is no case where a genuine consumer complaint or concern was brought to him which he did not sincerely and seriously address. Indeed, he was the first GT&T manager who successfully synthesised his company’s interest with that of consumers and Guyana’s as a whole. By so doing, he was able to almost completely exorcise the deep distrust and hostility toward the company embedded in the Guyanese psyche and which arose from the time the company was sold to ATN in what was widely perceived to be a less than transparent deal.
We welcome General Joe Singh filling the breach at such short notice and pledge our support to him.
GCA shocked at Yog Mahadeo’s resignation