READ this piece of trash Freddie Kissoon wrote in KN gossip tabloid masquerading as a news media.
“When you speak your mind, you get all kinds of slander directed at you. From the time I joined the WPA in 1974, I stood alone in my independent ways. I am not a member of any political party and I will not be, now or in the future. I want it to be like that so I can preserve my independent mind. I voted for the AFC in the last election. I currently support that party in the present Guyanese scenario but I will raise my voice and pen against it should it depart from the politics of human rights. This week I penned a column disagreeing with the AFC (and also Red Thread’s).”
Freddie you will soon come to realise what many Guyanese have already realised that when you talk of AFC and Red Thread you are talking of PNC since they both are arms of PNC.
Freddie your vote for AFC is a vote for PNC because of your hate for the PPP and will do or say anything to try to rid Guyana of the PPP.
Freddie most Guyanese are smarter than you on any given day so you are only fooling yourself in trying to say you have no political ambition.
From day one when you started stealing books you had your mind set in politics only to be rebuffed by the political parties you tried to join.
Freedie you could not get in on PNC or WPA so you thought you could bully your way into PPP but they too rejected you because they all see right through you as a political animal.
So Freddie what you did instead, after being the reject you are, you turned your attention and venom on the PPP.
You teamed up with your “Baboo Lall buddy” who owns the KN gossip tabloid to pen your trash daily about the PPP.
Freddie, had PNC been in power no one would have ever heard from you nor your “Baboo Lall buddy” and his gossip tabloid.
You think you could ever do what you are doing to PNC rulers Freddie? No, because they would have busted your and your “Baboo Lall buddy’s” balls in a split second.
The PPP is too kind caring and loving to people like the likes of your Baboon Lall buddy and you Freddie.
Time is now for you to come to grips with your old sad life to know you are the staunchest supporter of PNC masquerading as a voter for AFC.