‘The profound orderliness and symmetery of natural laws must be divinely inspired’

-Dr. Pepe Ramnath on why he believes the Holy Bible is the Word of God
DR. PEPE Ramnath is a research scientist and also a believer in the Holy Bible and its message of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. And while there are those who feel that this is contradictory, a review of what scientists throughout the ages believed tells a different story.
The story goes that Charles Darwin, father of the evolution theory, confessed his belief in the Holy Bible on his deathbed.
The Trinidad-born Dr. Ramnath testifies to his belief in God coming out of his scientific research, which revealed profound symmetries and orderliness in the earth on which we live and the universe in which our terrestrial home turns on its own axis.
Ramnath considers the galaxies and the immeasurable space in which they hurtle, and he tells of the mind-boggling orderliness that does not allow for collisions. His belief in the divine inspiration that drove the authors of the Bible books is also bolstered in the scientific truths contained in them.  For the Bible foreshadows scientific discoveries.
In Isaiah 40:22, the earth is described as a sphere, while at the time of writing, it was considered to be a flat disk.
The Book of Leviticus has much to say about keeping germs at bay by washing hands in flowing water, and burying human waste away from places of habitation. It was not until the 19th Century that Louis Pasteur came along with his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of diseases. This led to a marked drop in the mortality rate at hospitals, where doctors realized that moving from one patient to the next without a thorough washing of the hands transferred germs from one to the other.

And there is more that the Bible foreshadows modern scientific truths. These include staying away from animal fat, and laughing and being merry leading to a healthy life. Also, the Bible instructs circumcision to be performed on baby boys on the eighth day after birth, the day on which fibrin, which plays a key role in blood clotting, peaks. And so the baby bleeds just a bit after his foreskin is removed.
And what about cervical cancer hardly affecting Arab women? Scientists say this is because their men are circumcised and free of the bacteria that grows under the foreskin, which make them prone to contracting the cancer.    With all this, asks Dr. Ramnath, “How could I not believe in what the Bible teaches.”
Dr. Ramnath’s interest in science came before his conversion to Christianity. He listened to a sermon at his mother’s funeral, when he was terribly saddened, and there was an emptiness within. He heard of this Jesus who cared for him, and who promised to be with him always. Reading the Bible, the scientific references he came across galvanized him into becoming a research scientist, with a special interest in the environment and microbiology.
Today, Dr. Ramnath and his wife, Angela, own a growing scientific laboratory, the Dove Environmental Laboratory in Florida, in the United States, and they are the senior pastors at the Miramar Christian Centre.
He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Microscopy at Breyer State University, and completed post-graduate studies with McCrone Research Institute, Emory University, College of Microscopy, and the Aerobiological Research Institute at Harvard University.
He lectures at various scientific institutions, and manages to insinuate in his presentations a few Biblical truths. He would say, for instance, “There was once a man named Job who was stricken by adversity, and who turned to the elements to explain his predicament.”
With the Bible as his textbook, Dr. Ramnath is convinced that Adam was created with a perfect DNA, the deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms.
“But when he sinned, he was expelled from Eden, and his DNA was corrupted. But then Jesus came and shed his blood on Calvary, and all of us who accept this blood sacrifice have our DNA regenerated as it once was.”
This is what Dr. Ramnath taught as he ministered at First Assembly of God in the city last weekend. He also spoke to men on fatherhood and the biblical pattern of the nuclear family, comprising a man, a woman and children, and the largely negative results when the family is without the father.
In an appreciation of Dr. Ramnath’s book, ‘The Genesis of Vision’, Pastor and Sr. Vice President Dr. Richard Pinder, of Bahamas Faith Ministry International, writes:  “He has taken the complexities of DNA and simplified them to enable us to understand how the Creator has coded our purpose and vision into our very genes.
“This book will help you to understand how the vision of your life will unlock for you the reason and motivation for living.”


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