Ministry embarking on massive mining sensitisation programme
THE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is embarking on a massive sensitisation programme to educate miners on the opportunities available in the sector. Minister with the portfolio, Mr. Robert Persaud made the announcement at a media briefing in the ministry on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, in Georgetown, yesterday, stating that a quarterly mining supplement will be published in the various daily newspapers as of March 4.
In addition, the information will also be publicised on the ministry’s website and be available in mining districts across the country.
The supplement is aimed at sensitising persons in the sector on how they can tap into opportunities, have access to land for the purpose of gold and diamond mining and to educate investors to capitalise on the prospects.
The decision was taken by the Ministry and Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), given complaints in the past with regards to miners not having access to a wide spectrum of information to ply their trade.
According to Minister Persaud, all the opportunities will be advertised widely, so no one can accuse any company or individual of not having access to information and knowing what is taking place.
On March 13, a lottery of 60 special mining permit parcels in each of the mining districts, for a total of 360 parcels for new mining areas will also be held, at Lethem, Mahdia, Bartica, Port Kaituma and Mabura.
Companies, who wish to submit proposals for areas that have bauxite deposits, will also benefit from the advertisements.
Open approach
“The ministry is taking a very transparent, inclusive and open approach in making the information available to miners as there are many mining opportunities, large, medium and small,” Minister Persaud mentioned.
He said, too, that the information will be made available to the general public, so they can be aware of what is taking place in the sector and to avoid any accusation of withholding it from citizens.
“We don’t want to be accused that we’re giving preference to large or overseas companies in terms of developing, accessing and utilising our mineral resources, both on of offshore,” Persaud asserted.
He is hopeful that the initiatives will contribute to greater transparency, accountability and some level of equity in terms of access to mining resources by Guyanese.
Persaud said, since the ministry was created, it was mandated by President Donald Ramotar to ensure that development of the mining resources is done in a manner that all Guyanese benefit and ensure that the country is so managed.
While the ministry is publicising mining opportunities, it is also placing emphasis on sustainable development utilisation of the resources, thus ensuring the most stringent environmental management conditions.
The minister said he is hoping, as well, that the sensitisation efforts will remove any excuse for persons claiming that they are not aware of what is available and did not have the opportunity to be part of an open and transparent system.
The supplement will also provide guidelines for non -nationals who are involved in mining without permission, some of whom are illegally in Guyana, Persaud said.
In that regard, the Environment Ministry will collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and other relevant agencies in tackling the problem.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner, Ms. Karen Livan said that GGMC will be monitoring and enforcing the requirements and the responsibilities of the operators and the property holders as well.
Creating transparency…