GOVERNMENT should bring back the death penalty right away to curb the rising crimes in Guyana.
People are committing serious criminal offences, murder, rape, robbery, assault, etc, without even thinking twice. Criminals must pay the ultimate consequence for their actions. Any person who kills another person, he or she must be hanged, no ifs or buts.
Hanging should be done in a public square, so others can see when the execution is taking place, so criminals get the message.
People are committing crimes because penalties are too soft. Judges are too lenient to the criminals.
No one thinks about the victims? If they do, then changes will be made.
Judges have to impose heavy penalties on anyone who committed serious crimes.
Government should pay more attention to the Guyanese people, not to the Human Rights Group, because Human Rights are never there when the crimes and killing of innocent people are committed.
It is time to hunt the criminals, wipe them out or get them behind bars.
(1) Anyone committing murder must be hanged or imprisoned for life, no parole.
(2) Anyone committing rape should be in prison for 25 years or more, no parole
(3) Anyone committing robbery and other related crimes should be in prison for 10 years or more, no parole.
People will then think twice before committing any crime.
Government needs to invest in a huge and well-secured jail, away from the city, where criminals have to work and produce food for themselves to eat, and make the jail self-sufficient.
Jail should not be a recreational facility; it should be a place for hard labour.
Make Guyana the best place to live, work and play.
Government should bring back the death penalty