PLEASE permit me to correct blatant inaccuracies in the Kaieteur News on my work.
Here are my formal credentials: Ph.D. (University of Hull, England), MPH (University of Manchester, England), M.Phil (University of Surrey, England), B.S.Sc. (Honours) (Queen’s University of Belfast, UK), Postdoctoral program in Public Health (Columbia University, New York). The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, has published two of my books. Professor Herbert Richardson is the Editor-in-Chief of The Edwin Mellen Press, through whom the reviewers’ comments on my manuscripts and other people’s are channeled. You may refer to the website to see the high academic caliber of persons associated with this publishing House.
I am just mentioning a few professors here: Dr. Guy Maddern (The Surgical Litigation Crisis: Medical Practice and Legal Reform) is R. P. Jepson Professor of Surgery and Interim Head of the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide in South Australia, and is Director of the Division of Surgery and Director of the Basil Hetzel Institute at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. Daniel R. Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. (Evolutionary Epidemiology of Mania and Depression: A Theoretical and Empirical Interpretation of Mood Disorders) is Professor and Chair of Psychiatry and Professor of Anthropology at Creighton University and Gerald A. Corey, Jr. (Senior Fellow at San Jose State University).
The University Press of America of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group also published two of my books. Here are a few academics associated with this publishing house: C. Magbaily Fyle (Introduction to the History of African Civilization Precolonial Africa- Vol. 1) is Professor in the African-American and African Studies Department, Ohio State University; and Kean Gibson (Cycle of Racial Oppression in Guyana) is Professor in Linguistics at UWI, Cave Hill. Professor Aubrey Bonnett of the State University of New York, College at Old Westbury, has two books with this publishing house: Emerging Perpsectives on the Black Diaspora; and Continuing Perspectives on the Black Diaspora; both books are edited contributions which are acceptable, as a particular perspective is propounded. People also write chapters for other people’s books. And I was asked by a UWI faculty member to write a chapter for her book. All these things are quite the norm.
I have a few other books published by the Asian American Center, Queens College of the City University of New York and the Caribbean Diaspora Press of the Caribbean Research Center, Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York.
I have a Professorship from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). The Professorial and Readership Committee of UCLAN awarded the Professorship based on my merit (CV/publications) plus the recommendation of a world renowned referee in the area of my research. I should add that the University of New Brunswick, University of Technology, Jamaica, and the American University of Kuwait evaluated my work and deemed the body of my work to be of professorial status.
Let me say that any university in the world is entitled to award a professorship or a fellowship to anyone based on research/publications, or work accomplished to aid mankind. UCLAN provided the award on the basis of my current engagement with them as well as my substantial work in public health. Before coming to Guyana, I already was a Clinical Associate Professor with New York University College of Dentistry & Behavioral Sciences. And did some stints as Visiting Professor with UWI (St. Augustine) on “Graduate Research Methods” and Anton de Kom University of Suriname on “Evaluation of Health Promotion and Education Programs”.
Most recently, I completed research on a Systematic Review of the Impact of HIV/AIDS-related Stigma reduction Interventions on Voluntary Counseling and Testing Uptake; this work is currently being peer-reviewed for publication. I have another book (in press) on HIV/AIDS knowledge and stigma-related attitudes among high school students.
In addition, as an Associate Public Health epidemiologist, I was a Principal Investigator for several HIV/AIDS research projects at the Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and conducted research work in Graduate Medical Education with PGY 1-3 with the Interfaith Medical Center of the State University of New York Health Sciences Center in Brooklyn.
Also, I have been part of the Caribbean PAHO/WHO Evaluation Team: for Renewing Primary Health Care, and the PAHO/WHO Consultative Team: CARICOM priorities for the Proposed Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health. With a UNDP grant, I conducted several focused group studies and research workshops to develop the National HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy.
I am also a collaborative Researcher with the University of Bern, Switzerland on Rethinking the Millennium Development Goals: Stakeholders’ Perceptions & Strategic Choices.
I have publications in AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Journal of International and Comparative Education, The Review of Diplomacy-Strategy- Politics, Social and Economic Studies, Transafrica Forum, Journal of Indo-Caribbean Research, etc.
Since, I became Pro-Chancellor, there has been an intensified collaboration via exchanges of staff, fellowships to staff and also exchanges of young Guyana trained doctors to UCLAN and Royal Preston Hospital. UCLAN’s work in this area was supported by the British Council.