Mining project will open up great opportunities

The US$250 million Manganese Mining Project, including plans for improved road linkages, a revamping of the rail link, airstrip and barge canal to facilitate the operations there, would help open up great possibilities, such as the potential expansion of agriculture, aquaculture, mining and quarrying, reforestation, fabrication and industrial development. A possible transshipment plan was also mentioned.

We have to believe that the government recognises all the needs of the nation and is trying to address them over time when financial resources allow. We hope that government sees some possibilities of “piggy backing”, extending or adding to major foreign investment infrastructural plans that may complement their own future plans.

Some may become joint ventures in infrastructure improvements coming sooner than later.

One hopes that we can avail ourselves of the technical and financial resources of these investors to complement and help us to expedite our own plans quicker. We need to ensure projects are implemented properly and quickly.

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