Cashew tree on neighbours’ boundary big NDC issue

A CASHEW tree directly on the boundary between two neighbours’ yards at Bounty Hall on Essequibo Coast has become a very hot issue at the Paradise/Evergreen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) office at Dartmouth. According to report, the two neighbours are not on speaking terms because of the tree.
Reports said the problem started after the one on the northern side said he wanted the tree cut down because leaves are falling in his yard every day and upon his house top, contaminating his drinking water.
The neighbour on the southern side, who owns the tree, refuses to let it be cut and would not destroy it.
The disagreement was reported to the NDC office where it was discussed and hotly debated among councillors.
The Chairman and several councillors of the NDC visited the scene of the dispute and determined that the tree belongs to both neighbours but, after the matter was raised, again, at a recent meeting of the NDC, councilors voted for the tree to be cut down.
However, when councillors and labourers arrived at Bounty Hall to carry out the NDC decision, the neighbour on the South padlocked his gate and refused entry to the councillors, Government officers and labourers.
It was then decided to leave the tree until another meeting of the NDC.
However, when Minister Baksh met with farmers at Dartmouth on Wednesday, the northern neighbour raised the tree issue again and begged him to have it cut down.
NDC Chairman, Mr. Cornel Damon informed the minister that he will take all necessary action, including involving the police, to put an end to the issue.
The southern neighbour, meanwhile, is threatening legal action to save his tree.


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