The Dentist Advises…

Go easy on the sweets this Christmas
MANY moons ago when I was a youngster growing up in South Georgetown, there were only five registered dentists in Guyana.
In those colonial days, you had to be in the upper social class or wealthy to access private dental care. Of the five practising dentists, only two worked at the Public Hospital. So I had my share of toothache and extractions. As a matter of fact, I would never forget that the worst toothache I have ever experienced occurred on a Boxing Day.
Studies have shown that during the last two weeks of the year, there is a 400-per-cent increase in new dental cavities. In addition, more than half of the existing caries deteriorate to the extent whereby painful symptoms begin to manifest.
Why is it that this exacerbation of dental disease generally takes place at Christmastime? The reason is simply because of the higher sucrose (sugar) ingestion, together with the lapse in maintaining oral hygiene concomitant to the disruption in routine personal activities which occur during the festive season.
A famous dentist wittingly remarked once that “people have always liked a sweet tooth, but sweet never liked the tooth.” Cakes, sweets, chocolates and dried fruits are among the most cariogenic (caries-forming) foods in existence, and they are eaten indiscriminately at this time of the year. The bacteria of dental plaque ferment these substances quite readily to produce the acid that erodes the tooth’s enamel, causing caries.
In Australia, Cuba, England and the United States, each citizen consumes over 100 pounds of sugar a year. I spent three years in Cuba, and a slice of cake literally dripped sugar syrup.  As in these countries, those who sell sugar, sweets and beverages in Guyana experience between three and five-fold increase in sales during the Christmas season. Ask any soft drink vendor how is sales during the Christmas season as compared to the rest of the year.
For some years now, research has been progressing successfully in the quest to substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners. Sorbitol, mannitol and saccharin are being produced in increasing quantities. These ascribe the sweet taste like natural sugar. But when one considers that sugar is not necessary for good health, there is a clear appreciation for the value of avoiding it, given its deleterious effect on the teeth and general wellbeing.
What then can the average person do to counteract the destructive consequence of the prevailing neglect and abuse at this time of the year, apart from obeying the conventional health laws? Though largely impractical in our context, avoiding the use of foods containing natural sugar would certainly be a valuable starting base. A person’s attitude should reflect an understanding of the mechanism of action of the disease process. Preventative methods may thereafter be concluded effectively without professional advice.
A tooth cannot decay unless acid is involved. The sustained contact of the acid on the tooth’s surface is enhanced by the plaque which contains the bacteria and its food (sugar). One of the most powerful mouthwashes can be made easily at home; all that is needed is half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking or eating soda) mixed in a cup (8 ounces) of water.
Incidentally, one should not be confused between baking powder and baking soda. Baking powder basically contains some soda mixed with flour and other substances. The mouthwash should be bottled, and kept at hand. After a meal of cake or similar delicacy, rinse the mouth first then agitate a mouthful of the liquid for at least fifteen seconds, allowing free contact with every tooth. The intention is for the soda to neutralize the acid produced by the bacteria.
As an emergency measure for a severe toothache, crush a clove and place it in the cavity. A fluoride-containing toothpaste may also be of help. Avoid sweet foods. Do not substitute the clove for aspirin, because the problem can be compounded due to the aspirin being acid. Chewing a clove can also freshen the breath when an alcohol scent causes embarrassment. Contact your dentist at the earliest convenience.
Have a Happy and Caries-free Festive Season!

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