…to provide accommodation as Guyana continues to grow and develop
CONSTRUCTION is set to begin shortly on the US$50.9M Marriott Hotel, which is expected to transform the hotel and hospitality sector and enhance the image of Guyana. At the sod-turning ceremony yesterday, at the hotel site in Kingston, President Bharrat Jagdeo acknowledged that the journey to the occasion was not without its ups and downs, and expressed gratification that finally the project will become a reality, to serve the people of Guyana by 2013.
He noted that, with all of the growth and expansion unfolding in the country, a huge demand is being placed on the accommodation and entertainment sectors.
He said, “Guyana has grown tremendously; we have gone from a $300M economy to a$ 2.5B economy, we are one of the fastest growing economies in this Region, in fact, this country has had continued growth throughout the global recession. There is a growing demand for travel to Guyana… All of these opportunities are unfolding in a real sense, as we conclude many contracts that will see Guyana continuing to grow, that would also put a huge demand on accommodation and the need for entertainment, and that is just in one sector.”
According to President Jagdeo, amidst this growth and expansion, the country’s tourism sector has found its base, and will continue to expand with the support and policies and programmes being implemented by the government.
As to the extent of this support, he highlighted, “Just yesterday, you would have seen that we concluded a contract for the extension of the runway for an entirely new, modern airport. The idea is that once that is completed, Guyana could become a significant hub from South America, connecting the Caribbean… we have been speaking to a couple of major airlines, and we believe that sometime next year you will see a major shift in airlift into Guyana, because the market now is underserved and the prices are too high and more and more people want to come here.”
With these advancements, it is expected that there will be an explosion in business travellers who will be seeking quality accommodation, and it is projected that the Marriott Hotel will be able to provide “world class accommodation” and services.
The Head of State explained, “This country is going to lift itself to world-class standards in every area, world-class education, the best health care; we also have to make sure that we have world-class accommodation. This facility will provide it.”
He revealed also that two other hotel brands have expressed interest in constructing hotels in Guyana, which is an indication of their faith in the demand for accommodation here.
President Jagdeo extended gratitude to the partners, Republic Bank, Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) and Atlantic Hotel Inc. (Marriott), and also expressed confidence that the investors will make a “decent return” on their capital ,and that the partnerships will be successful, and will help to serve the growing economy so that the county will continue to grow to greater heights .
“We look forward to Marriott bringing its unique approach and brand, which will also help to change the country’s image; for a very long time we have suffered from an image problem, a country with very wonderful people, huge opportunities, but because of its politics, its insularity in the past, it’s unknown in the rest of the world or known for the wrong things. We are trying to change that and Marriott will help in that process,” he said.
In his address, Area Vice President, Marriott, Andrew Houghton, noted that Marriott, Guyana, will represent the 72nd country with the hotel brand in the world, and assured that wherever the brand is found, opportunities are created for people to grow, develop and maintain long- term careers in the global industry.
He said, “Hospitality in Guyana is an industry that is in its early stages, in terms of tourism, but in its mature stages in terms of business. We hope to be able to attract conventioneers and business people, who will continue to move your country in the direction that the electorate decides.”
Houghton assured that Marriott delivers, and will continue to deliver a better standard of service that any competitor, since the company has been recognised as one of the most admired companies in the world, and the most admired company in the lodging sector, according to Fortune Magazine.
“We represent 3,600 hotels in the world and we employ 129,000 associates, most of whom are shareholders in the business and share in the successes. The company represents 23 brands, Marriott is the power brand of the organisation, and Mr. Marriott has a keen interest in growing the business here… we look forward to supporting the business community here, growing the partnership together and developing the future for more than 260 new people in the hospitality business,” he asserted.
Project Evolution
In a brief overview of the project, Head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington, explained that the hotel and casino project has been under consideration since 2004, and it was in May this year, after several setbacks, two tenders were received, with Shanghai Construction Group ( SCG) , being the lowest evaluated tender .
He further revealed that a design- build contract was executed between SCG and Atlantic Hotel Inc. to the value of US$50.9M; this will see the delivery of 197 rooms, built to the Marriott design requirements.
In addition, there will be a large ballroom /conference centre, as well as all other amenities of a full-service Marriott, including an entertainment complex that includes a 14,000 square foot casino, a 6,400 square foot night club, an 8,300 square foot restaurant and a concrete promenade that will link the sew wall with a pier.
As to financing of the project, Brassington outlined that it has an estimated capital cost in excess of US$51M.
The ceremony was also attended by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar; Minister of Tourism Manniram Prashad; senior government officials and representatives from the private sector, as well as a delegation from Shanghai Construction Group ( SCG).