IN the good old days, when the PPP was in opposition, one of the lessons taught at the famous Accabre College was the laws of dialectics. Eminent and honourable comrades, such as Cdes Feroze, Moses, Navin, Donald, Ralph, et al, expounded on the third law of dialectics that was: ‘The Unity and the Struggle of Opposites’. The classic example that was used to explain this law was that in developing strategies and tactics, issues will arise and members will hold different views and will disagree with each other. However, once the view is voted upon and a clear position is reached, then all members are required to carry that line, irrespective of the position previously held, hence the unity in action.
I do not think that now that the party is in power the principle of this rule is null and void.
I am therefore reminding Cdes Donald, Moses, Navin, Komal, Ralph et al, to acknowledge the struggle of opposites for the position of leadership, and reconcile the need for unity around the chosen candidate.
Need for unity around the chosen candidate