CN Sharma to meet President Jagdeo tomorrow

– Luncheon says he has no knowledge of ‘mystery’ document on suspension of Sharma’s television licence
CABINET Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon has distanced himself from the alleged five-page document that was delivered to embattled manager of CNS 6, Chandra Narine Sharma with regard to the suspension of his television license.
Dr.  Luncheon said he has no knowledge about the unsigned, undated and unaddressed statement that was part of a package that the  television station owner and politician claimed he received.
That package included a letter that Dr. Luncheon acknowledged signing and sending to the controversial station owner, whose reprimands over recent years are becoming almost folklore in Guyana.
The government’s spokesman says he had sent only an invitation for the CNS boss to meet with President Jagdeo on Friday.
Sharma Tuesday night said he had received  two documents, one of which was written on an Office of the President letterhead and signed by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, while the other had no letterhead or signature.
The letter signed by Dr. Luncheon invites Sharma to meet with the president on September 30 (tomorrow) at 15:00 hrs (3 pm) on the matter of the broadcast of a Tony Vieira commentary on May 4, 2011 for which the station and Vieira have since been sued and the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting (ACB) has got involved.

“You are aware that the Advisory Committee on Broadcasting tendered advice to the President after considering these complaints. I now invite you to meet His Excellency, President B. Jagdeo in his capacity as Minister of Information …” the letter stated.
But the second ‘unsigned’ document called on him (Sharma) to immediately close his operations since he was placed on a one-year suspension of his broadcast licence.
However, speaking at  a post-cabinet media briefing yesterday, Dr.  Luncheon said he had  sent only an invitation for the CNS boss to meet with President Jagdeo on Friday.
Dr. Luncheon added that, despite not seeing the documents Sharma claimed he had received, he made contact with him and advised that he disregard any ‘ban’ since the document had no address, signature or date.
“I spoke to Mr. Sharma this morning because he wanted some clarification. I said to him that as instructed, I had indeed provided him with an invitation which I insisted is for him to attend a meeting with the President on Friday at 3 pm at the Office of the President.
“This other document that he mentioned to me – of course he hasn’t shared it with me – I did provide that in the absence of an address, a date, a signature, he should not have any confusion in his mind as to what the intention of my letter to him [was] and if it, as he insisted, confused him, the second unsigned and undated letter –  I said to him I have no idea. I have no responsibility. What I have to communicate to you is my letter signed, dated, and which  is the one that you are responding to,” explained Dr. Luncheon  in his own inimitable style .
“Mr. Sharma, I assume, was satisfied with the clarity provided. I am not certain about the origins, I haven’t seen this other correspondence that he claims he is in receipt of,” he said.
Having not seen the second unsigned document, Dr. Luncheon disavowed knowledge of it.  “I have insisted to Mr. Sharma that it is to be disregarded [since] it isn’t addressed, it isn’t signed, it isn’t dated,” Dr. Luncheon told reporters.
President Jagdeo, who is also the Minister of Information,  had promised to hand down his decision with regard to the issue surrounding Sharma in July, in the form of writing, after the two parties had previously met to determine what measures will be taken for sanctioning.
Sharma earlier this year aired a controversial commentary of former Member of Parliament of the PNCR now APNU, Anthony Vieira.


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