GRA did the right thing

I do commend the relevant authorities in the GRA, for firing two officers, who were implicated in the ‘cocaine in logs’ drug bust. The two erring officers seemingly played major roles in the smuggling of a large quantity of cocaine earlier this year. That shipment was intercepted in Jamaica, by port officials there, (but please note that until now, no one has been charged with the find). Also according to the GRA, another officer is on the suspended list. I really admire this move, as it brings confidence to the Guyanese in respect of honesty and professionalism. Sometimes one may not be guilty, but if actions are overly suspicious, some measure of discipline is most prudent.
The GRA said that the decision to terminate the officers’ service was made after a thorough and independent investigation. This investigation was conducted by the Internal Affairs Division of the revenue body. It revealed that there were severe breaches of several customs laws, policies, standard operational procedures (SOPs) and the employee’s code of conduct.  So it means that even though, one may not be guilty or got caught ‘red-handed,’ he/she can still be ‘fired’ and should be too, if the matter is very sensitive. Especially in areas where high security, great sensitivity, and complete transparency are needed, I think that utter precautions should be taken. So the ‘firing’ and ‘suspending’ will be a reverberating harbinger for those who may have ‘fleeting’ thoughts of anything unethical and untoward.  In fact, harbouring stealthy thoughts may not be an option for those who are being tempted. I am sure they have internalized the message in this GRA stand.
The GRA has also reviewed the established SOPs to ensure that more stringent measures be in place, so as to monitor imports and exports. This is a potentially very porous area, and the shoring up is most commendable. Commissioner General Khurshid Sattaur, in fact, declared that he was elated that the investigation into the shipment of illicit drugs was conducted without any setbacks. He came out in strong support of the recommendations (even before they were enacted) by the investigating team, and now is anticipating a higher level of professionalism. However, Mr. Sattaur issued a necessary caution. This is where the people of Guyana must heed that higher national call.
Sattaur implored that “the public contribute to the smooth operation of the agency by simply reporting any inappropriate behaviour by officers of the agency, through the agency’s Intelligence Hotline number: 225- 6687.” The Commissioner who himself has been under scrutiny and the object of criticism, came very ‘clean’ with this statement. He went on to assure the public that all information provided will be held in strict confidence. So it means that it is incumbent on every single Guyanese to keep watch for the betterment of Guyana. It is everybody’s job. Yes, there are law enforcers, and these officers will make sure that the enacted laws be obeyed. However, if via ‘silence’ ‘those who know but don’t say’ remain that way, nothing will be achieved.
So again, I am elated that ‘cleaning up’ is starting right at home. I am also happy with the censuring acts of GRA, and I am hoping that all will realize that a better Guyana demands total commitment from everyone.

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