Ramotar responds to urgent blood donation call

GENERAL Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Mr. Donald Ramotar yesterday responded to the urgent call by the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) for voluntary donors. Mr. Ramotar, who has been a voluntary donor in the past, visited the NBTS yesterday which is located in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) Compound at the corners of Lamaha and East Streets, Georgetown and complimented the staff for the modern setting and professional service.

He also expressed hope that many other people will come forward and donate to the blood bank as he described such a gesture as important as it will save lives.

“I would like to encourage all Guyanese who are qualified to give blood to come forward and do so as it is a very worthy cause. It is one of the best donation  you can give to someone… as they say ‘blood is life’. I see it as a great humanitarian service,” Ramotar said, according to a statement from the PPP.

The PPP General Secretary also pledged to continue being a voluntary donor and urged persons to dispel myths which prevent them from coming forward and donating such as some believing that giving blood is dangerous.

“I am happy if I can serve to dispel such myths as I have just donated and I am feeling fine. No one should be afraid to donate blood. So I am joining with the staff here and the Ministry to once again encourage all Guyanese to come forward and donate as, once they see the process is very simple, they will become regular donors,” Ramotar posited.


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