Is Freddy for real, or is he the joker in the pack?
IN his July 5th column in the Kaieteur News, Freddy Kissoon queries whether Donald Ramotar can bring victory for the PPP and then responded to his own question in the negative.
But it is the rationale on which he has based his argument that leaves one gasping for breath.  He contends that there is none within the PPP ranks who can give the PPP the profound analysis it needs about modern civilization and its culture and how they impact on Guyanese sociology.

The world still has wars, albeit the weaponry is more sophisticated.  However, the ferocious bestiality with which man destroys his fellow man in the name of honour and justice remains unchanged throughout the ages. Man has travelled to the moon but perpetrators yet continue to abuse the innocents.  However, the advanced technology has expanded the pornographic scope for the queer people, who have existed since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now how in Heaven’s name does one define modern civilization and its culture? Because by no stretch of the imagination is culture static and pure.  The culture of the Asian nations, the European nations, the African nations, the Pacific states all have peculiarities within peculiarities; and why should the unique Guyanese cultural mosaic be compared (with the subtle suggestion of inferiority) to that of other cultures – within a modern civilization or not.
The world still has wars, albeit the weaponry is more sophisticated.  However, the ferocious bestiality with which man destroys his fellow man in the name of honour and justice remains unchanged throughout the ages.
Man has travelled to the moon but perpetrators yet continue to abuse the innocents.  However, the advanced technology has expanded the pornographic scope for the queer people, who have existed since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
However, one fails to see how these things will impact on general elections in Guyana, or on Ramotar’s chances at the polls.
Freddy contends in one instance that the PPP has no deep thinkers, then he contradicts his own line of argument by stating that the intellectuals in the PPP ranks, such as Professor David Dabydeen, a published lecturer of international status who is attached to a British university to which Kissoon cannot aspire, is so mindless that he tells the PPP leadership what it wants to hear.
He then went on to flog a stone-cold horse by stating that President Jagdeo had been convinced to seek a third term in office.  Now one wonders again if this guy is for real; and this contention is so puerile and idiotic that it does not merit a response – not that anything he writes does, except that the sheer audacity of his peculiar rationalizations could mislead the naïve and the ill-informed.

‘Burnham was absolutely charismatic and he had amazing public deliverables.  However, only a few die-hard supporters would have voted him back into government were he yet alive, because his track record as president was abysmal and destructive.  His usual diatribe against Dr. Jagan is so skewed it is a perennial joke worthy of being ignored.’

After dismissing the eligibility of Frank Anthony and Robert Persaud as presidential candidates, Kissoon wrote “Jagdeo lost out on the third-term bid” and named Sir Shridath Ramphal as the advisor to this piece of asininity that he claimed was mooted by the Stabroek News.  The sheer impudence of naming the renowned Ramphal, famous for his astuteness, in this witches’ brew of ridiculous fabrications boggles the mind.
He unfavourably compares Ramotar’s public occupation with Khemraj Ramjattan being a lawyer and David Granger being a military person, conveniently forgetting that Ramotar has held a position for over a decade that was more influential than even a minister in government, and that was being the General-Secretary of the PPP juggernaut.
Despite the fact that he has denigrated Ramotar’s public persona and dismissed the influence that he has on the masses, especially in comparison with Granger and Ramjattan,  neither of the latter two could pull a crowd as Ramotar does at any public meeting.
He may not have what Freddy calls charismatic deliverables;  but what he has is a party that has the imprimatur of all that Cheddi Jagan stood for, and a solid record of achievement by the current PPP/C government.

Freddy then went on to flog a stone-cold horse by stating that President Jagdeo had been convinced to seek a third term in office.  Now one wonders again if this guy is for real; and this contention is so puerile and idiotic that it does not merit a response – not that anything he writes does, except that the sheer audacity of his peculiar rationalizations could mislead the naïve and the ill-informed.

Burnham was absolutely charismatic and he had amazing public deliverables.  However, only a few die-hard supporters would have voted him back into government were he yet alive, because his track record as president was abysmal and destructive.
His usual diatribe against Dr. Jagan is so skewed it is a perennial joke worthy of being ignored.
However, he concluded: “…within my logic, I see a greater disadvantage for Ramotar than I do for Granger and Ramjattan.  We may be seeing the end of the PPP.”
And there you have it – the illogical logic of Freddy Kissoon – in all its peculiar glory.
Dream on, Freddy; but your worst nightmare is already happening.
The AFC is the new face of ROAR, with all that this implies, and this has alienated the core original AFC supporters.  The PNC has been dissolved by Granger; and the PPP is more solid and united than ever, because the real reason that Ramotar will lead the PPP to victory is that Guyanese have become mature enough to choose peace, progress and prosperity, which the PPP has proven it can deliver, despite the best efforts of the opposition to divide the nation along racial lines.
The “kith and kin” are fellow Guyanese, and they are no longer prepared to war against each other, except for a few misguided elements.
However, one can only rationalize with a rational person – and Freddy’s convoluted rationalizations defy logical deductions.
So is this guy for real, or is he the joker in the pack?

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