Dr. Jagan was no dictator

RAYMOND Gaskin in his discussion with Christopher Ram on Plain Talk on Sunday July 3 on Channel 7 said that he worked at Freedom in the mid 1960s and was quite close to Dr. Jagan and knew he was no dictator and always sought consensus. Gaskin further disclosed that the local capitalists supported the PPP while that party was in government and that is not difficult to believe.
You see Editor, it was the time of the anti-communist hysteria when the PNC, the UF and the TUC, the defenders of freedom etc. with support from outside elements carried out a vigorous anti-communist campaign and made out a communist to be blood sucking monsters.
You know when the coffee or tea has too much sugar only a few can take it and the anti-communist campaigners did a similar thing. They over did their act and as such people got wise and saw through their wicked scheme and learned it was not an anti-communist campaign. It was an anti-Indian campaign/an anti-Jagan campaign and the East Indian business people recognised this. I know because I was an outdoor salesman at the time and had to meet with most of the businessmen in the Water, Regent and Lombard Streets. So unable to beat the PPP at the polls, the PNC put its X-13 plan into operation.

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