Farm attempted murder trial

prosecution and defence share different fortunes
THE prosecution and defence lawyers shared different fortunes in the Farm attempted murder trial at the Demerara Assizes yesterday.
The prosecution led by lawyers Konyo Sandiford and Mrs. Judith Gildharie-Mursalin had their application to lead additional evidence turned down by Justice Roxanne George.
The defence headed by Mr. Jailall Kissoon, Mr. Adrian Thompson and Mr. Satesh Kissoon, who had successfully objected to the prosecution leading additional evidence to build up the prosecution’s medical evidence, suffered when the judge overruled the defence no-case submissions.
After the prosecution closed its case in relation to the accused Naresh Singh called ‘Baby’ and Mohan Harriram for the attempted  murder of Ramnauth Sukhnandan at a wedding house brawl in 2006, the defence elected to make no-case submissions, which were refused by the judge, who called for a defence.
Both accused elected to make unsworn statements from the dock.
The number one accused Singh said:  “I am innocent of this charge of attempted murder of Ramnauth Sukhnandan. He came up to me and hit me with a Carib beer bottle so I had to defend myself. Mohan Harriram did not do Ramnauth Sukhnandan anything. I did not hit him on his head. His son had come and ran me with a cutlass and knife and I ran away. I rely on a statement that I gave to the police.”
Accused Harriram said: “I am innocent of this charge.  I had a broken shoulder and I could not move my arm. I did not hit anybody that night, that is all.”
The defence lawyers declined to call witnesses and will address the jury today.
Prosecutor Sandiford is also expected to make her final address to the jury today.
Justice George indicated that she would sum up the evidence to the jury on Monday, following which she would hand over the case to them for their consideration and verdict. (GEORGE BARCLAY)     

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