Decomposed body of re-migrant, 55, discovered dead in bed

THE decomposed body of 55-year-old Mohan Singh, of Lot 45 Agriculture Road, Triumph, East Coast Demerara, was discovered in his bed yesterday afternoon.
His niece, Lalita Singh was among relatives, who went to pick mangoes in the yard and made the discovery after entering through his open gate and getting some of the fruits.

They called out his name but, getting no reply, ventured into the house and were assailed by the stench which led them to the bloated corpse, still under netting on the bed.
Neighbours said they last saw Singh alive four days ago.
According to them, he was a heavy drinker who re-migrated to Guyana four years ago and is survived by four children and his wife, all of whom reside in the British Virgin Islands (BVI).
Maggots had already infested the remains of the deceased which were taken away by undertakers after police visited the scene.
A post mortem examination is to be conducted.


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