I am sure that you have read an appeal to you in one of our local newspapers written by a Freddie Kissoon. Freddie Kissoon is rabidly opposed to this government. I appeal to you sir to ignore this man. There must be distinguished psychologists and psychiatrists in Norway. Freddie Kissoon definitely needs such help. You may be able to provide some assistance to Kissoon in this regard. He desperately needs psychiatric attention. Not only does he despise and hate our hard working President and elected leaders of our country, but he (who outwardly, on the rare occasion when he appears clean and washed, appears to be of Indian descent) hates himself for being Indian. He has said so publicly and recently reaffirmed his position. Surely, this must be a psychological disorder.

Of late, he has developed rather close associations with a small, inconsequential band of persons known for their social and political rascality and perversity. In his quest for cheap publicity, his writings demonstrate an absence of logic and reason, of independent thought and seem tailored to conform to the race based political postures of his new found group of social and political misfits.

I think it is important to let you know Sir, that here in Guyana ours is not an ideal world. Like the great western bastion of democracy the United States of America, research indicia shows that corruption permeates every sphere of American politics, and stands at an alarmingly high level. Nevertheless, the American government does not condone corruption. It is the same here in Guyana. Our government has declared zero tolerance for corruption. The level of achievement and success relative to this declaration has to be measured by objective review and not wild, biased conclusions.

But I have digressed. A critic on corruption and wrongdoing must be of impeccable character. Such a person should not manipulate facts nor distort truth. What have we in the person of Freddie Kissoon? First I will tell you, we have a self confessed bibliomaniac. He has admitted to and is known for stealing books. I don’t know the date of his last theft. His justification for stealing books is that he is/was too poor to buy them and needed to educate himself. The rationale of his explanation is that poverty justifies theft.

On another note, Kissoon, Sir, has been found by the very newspaper for which he writes, to have caused to be published a story which contained patent untruth.
The newspaper stopped short of calling him a liar but the writer of a letter in the very newspaper referred to him as “Fibulous Freddie.” I need not say more.
Minister Solheim, in this state of mental depravity, Kissoon is given to irrational, illogical and unreasoned outbursts. This has caused him to be sued in our courts by many prominent citizens for defamation. Many more such actions will be filed against him.

I have troubled you enough with the disgustingly nauseating unpatriotic behaviour of a disgruntled, pitiable and confused newspaper writer.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you Sir and the Kingdom of Norway for the confidence shown in the efforts of our leaders and for your assistance to the people of Guyana, as we embark on our contribution to make Guyana and indeed the world environmentally safer. I believe Sir that these expressions of gratitude represent the sentiments of right thinking Guyanese, who constitute an overwhelming majority.

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