Freddie’s comparison is illogical

I READ Freddie’s rant about robbery by the government and I must, hesitatingly though, confess that I agree with the gist of his gripe. It has to be recognised and accepted that the same old lethargic, lackadaisical attitude by government employees remain since the Burnham days.

I see very little, if any, change today. Efficiency, customer service and general respect for the public are sorely lacking.

However, since Freddie is making a comparison between “now” and “then” I must ask him: Did it sicken your mind and torment your soul when Burnham was doing this to your mom?

Was it bad enough to get you to post an article in the daily at that time? Was the opportunity available to you to write against Burnham? If the opportunity existed, we will be pleased to see your published article complaining against Burnham!

Face it; you are fanatically against this government for reasons other than logics can entertain.

These are just a few of the points that one needs to bear in mind when attempting a comparison between Forbes Burnham, a real dictator, and Bharrat Jagdeo – the current popular President.

The attempt at such comparison is, to anyone of sound mind, someone mindful of historical facts and someone without prejudice, futile and without purpose.

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