Toe-Knee and Enrico bullcrap
De Bluetoother noticed how suddenly Uncle Toe-knee gat interest in de upcoming Inter-religious Channel (IRC). Uncle Bharrat giving de religious community dem OWN. Not de Obese Women Network (OWN) nor de Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), but dem own TV Channel so that all de religious leaders can pontificate and educate and placate. E-magine eh, dem own channel. One man seh he glad; he can soon go to a place o’ worship while staying home. Life easy.
Plenty people glad. Some men seh is more space pun de other channels fuh sports and movies while some women sehing de same thing ‘bout “Y& R” and Oprah. One man vex though. He had a channel. He sell it and went away. He come back. Outside too hard fuh he. De same Guyana he and Uncle Freddie always bad-talking is still he home. He seh that de IRC gon mek de religious leaders subservient to de guvment. Uncle Enrico support he. De two o’ dem believe that because dem accustomed to being subservient to de PNC, everybody else gat to be de same.
De PNC does always mek sure that dem supporters subservient to it. So simply put it, Toe-knee and Enrico are “subservientees” fuh life. But life change in Guyana fuh everybody else. It look like only de two o’ dem and de three musketeers from de Waterfalls paper leff in de past. Who was subservient to Toe-knee when he use to show religious programme all Day pun Channel 72? Eh Enrico? Did he ever give de local religious leaders a chance pun de channel? No. Like Toe-knee forget how he use to mek de people who did want to put a Hindu religious serial pun he TV in de 80s subservient?
He forget when he had dem standing pun he backstep begging fuh he mercy to show de religious tapes? He forget he use to charge US$200.00 per episode then and it wasn’t a full hour? That is $40, 000.00 worth in de 80s! He get rich off de people who was begging fuh show religious things. Now, dem ain’t gat fuh beg. Dem gat dem own. Yuh think Enrico gon do a story ‘bout how Toe-knee fleece de people then? Nah. A “subservientee” don’t go against another “subservientee”. Dem is PNC alike. Look how life change though. Toe-knee ain’t gat a channel now, but de people do! Hmmm!