Concerns at Parfaite/La Harmonie need to be addressed

I recently moved into my new home at Parfaite/La Harmonie on the West Bank of Demerara and I am settling in quite good for now. However, I would like to draw to the attention of the Honourable Minister of Housing some concerns that I have. Firstly, the roads of South Parfaite Harmonie are in great disrepair and vehicles are having great difficulty in manoeuvring during the wet season. The crime situation is also a cause for concern, but it would appear that the police seem to be covering the area pretty well.
My major concern is the amount of lands with huge bushes on them. These lands have been left unattended by their owners and are now a haven for mosquitoes and other insects and reptiles. Criminals have been known to use these forest-like bushes as a cover for their nefarious activities.  I hope that you would use your good office to alert land owners in the area to upkeep their lands as often as possible or repossess them and give them to people who are really in need.

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