WYCLIFF Smith alias ‘Tarzan’ (no address given) has been charged with the murder of the Brazilian man whose body was dug out of a Rupununi shallow grave.
The accused appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday and was remanded to prison, until March 7. Particulars of the capital offence charge said, on January 21, at Moco Moco, Smith murdered Armano Da Silva, a miner.
Police Sergeant Lionel Harvey, prosecuting, said the prisoner and the accused were drinking at the home of the former when an argument arose between them.
The Prosecutor said Smith fired a shotgun at Da Silva, fatally wounding him on the left side of his chest and then buried him in a shallow grave.
The case has been transferred to Lethem Court, also in Rupununi.
‘Tarzan’ charged with Rupununi shallow grave murder