IT seems that certain letters are not printed due to their content, depending on whether they are pro or anti-government, by the Guyana newspapers. Perhaps you will print this to inspire others to debate these concerns, expressed some time ago.
Officials below the Presidential level need to be much more proactive than reactive in the face of the myriad problems facing Guyana. Apathy, incompetence, laziness, greed, resentment or politics do not inspire proactive actions. Where are the Ministers, Commissioners, Public Service Heads, Members of Parliament, Commissions and Select Committees in dealing with recurring problems? It is the responsibility of all of these persons to know and ensure that their areas of responsibility are functioning as expected and ensure that they are doing the best they can, given available resources, while they fight for more that is needed.
The Chronicle has written several editorials on some of these problems. Unfortunately, these are more a lament than a taking to task those persons that have a direct responsibility to prevent, minimize or correct these problems or the politicians elected to see they do or ask why not.