Eid message from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP)

Eid Mubarak to all Guyanese

THE People’s Progressive Party extends best wishes to all Guyanese and Muslims everywhere on this occasion of Eid-ul-Adha.
Eid’s story is one of sacrifice. It tells the story of Abraham being ready to undertake the most difficult sacrifice because of his conviction and faith.
This is a reminder that in our world positive and good things will only come through sacrifice and hard work. This is a universal appeal that has application in every class in our society.
In Guyana today we too should learn the lessons of the need to make sacrifices in pursuit of our goals.
On this occasion, we recall the heroes of our country who struggled at various stages to make positive changes. The Slaves who ended slavery had to make many sacrifices, often the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
The Indentured workers had also to fight and make sacrifices to end their own bondage.
At this time, too, we recall the struggles and sacrifices of generations of PPP members, supporters and leaders in the fight for independence and democracy in Guyana.
In this time, we take inspiration from our history and the story of Eid as we work towards building our country.
Experience has shown that to do so calls for hard work and sacrifices from all classes and strata of our country. Already we are seeing the fruits of our collective hard work. We are aware that to make Guyana even more beautiful and prosperous we must work hard with dedication.
This is the only legitimate path for greater successes in the future. The PPP is confident that together we can realize our dreams for our people and country.
A Happy Eid-ul-Adha to all!


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