President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha
DEEPAVALI is a unique festival and one of the major festivities in the Guyanese cultural life. It occurs during sharad ritu (autumn). Fundamentally, Deepavali is Lakshmi puja. Maha Lakshmi Mata is the consort of Vishnu Bhagwan and she is generally described as a paragon of virtue, who extends Her blessings on aspirants during Deepavali. She was among the Shaktis who invoked Devatas or Deities to free the earth of negativities and bestow blessings of fortunes on the trillions who adored her lotus feet.
Lakshmi emerged from the pristine lotus following the churning of the milky ocean. She is often seen flanked by two elephants and at that time known as Gaj Lakshmi. Indeed, she is the very source of fertility and from whom minerals emerge.
In simple terms, Lakshmi Mata is the Goddess of fortune, prosperity, happiness and bliss.
Every evening when Hindus turn the lights on in their homes, they chant ‘Lakshmi karo tu kalyanam’. In Her Divine Shakti, She perpetually bestows the vardan of self sufficiency and plenty. Lakshmi puja is therefore primary during the celebration and rekindles hope, expectations and happiness.
In a world susceptible to famine and the like, the devout Hindu believes that collective prayers to Lakshmi Mata can help rid the earth of every iota of insufficiency and become the continued source of food and abundance. In fact, the Shukla Yajurveda unequivocally placed her as the Mother who infinitely provides for her children.
Hinduism recognises the Supreme power as both Shakta and Shakti. The Goddess Lakshmi is appropriately placed as the creatrix from whom the Gods draw their powers. Tradition has it that the business community is unapologetic devotees of Lakshmi Mata. Deepavali with the passage of time has grown into one of the most supremely powerful festivals which transform the society from darkness into the emerging lights of wisdom.
As Guyanese, we ought to take a keen interest in the country’s development and recognized that we have made great strides over the recent years.
We must steadfastly commit to the performance of pujas to Maha Latchmi Devi and during these pujas seek the blessings of the Divine source Lakshmi Mata for the perpetual development, growth and expansion of our economy and the unity of all Guyanese to continue to work harmoniously for our country’s progress.
Celebrate we must, but our work in transforming the society must not cease our drive to protect our women and children which must be prominently placed on our agendas. We must resolve to rid our society of any trace of violence so that Guyana will be a country of love, harmony and peace
Allow me to extend Deepavali greetings to all Guyanese.