….part of the first Guyana Jamboree packaged tour
A warm Guyanese welcome was extended to more than 185 visiting overseas- based Guyanese and their families by officials of the Ministry of Tourism and the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), early yesterday morning as they deplaned at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. Despite lingering fog and intermittent rain, the guests who are part of the first Guyana Jamboree packaged tour, disembarked with exhausted yet eager expressions on their faces and were treated to a exciting ‘breakfast welcome’ featuring delectable local delights.
Director of the GTA, Indranauth Haralsingh, extended greetings to them on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, Manniram Prashad, and expressed his excitement about the “pioneer idea” of the packaged tour concept.
“The Minister has always been talking about the need for the opportunity for packaged tours and here we see an excellent example of how this could work,” Haralsingh explained.
He highlighted that most of the expected visitors, arriving from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and as far away as Kuwait, will be participating in an Eco-Tour organized by Stephenson’s Eco Tours, based in Toronto, Canada.
This, he stated, is a great opportunity for them to spread the word about their experiences and also about Guyana’s potential as a popular eco tourism site when they return home, thereby generating tremendous interest which will be most welcome.
Alluding to the benefits of such continued activities, the GTA Director pointed out that if packaged tours were to be scheduled at least once per month, the private sector operators will not complain about empty hotels, restaurants and resorts.
He said, “This is the kind of packaging initiative that we need and if we can get the private sector operators to work collaboratively with the travel agencies, airlines and tour operators, the impact would be great”
Haralsingh disclosed that the participants of the offer were required to pay a total of US$1500 for airfare and accommodation, along with tours to three eco- tourism sites over the next seven days.
“If we can have more events like this, it will do Guyana great justice” he posited.
He also pointed out that Guyana Jamboree is part of their calendar of events for Tourism Awareness Month 2010, which is being staged under the theme “Community-Based Tourism: Preserving the Unique Character and Culture of Communities.”
Expectations and Expressions
Among the arrivals were members of the popular string band of the 60’s, Bing Serrao and the Ramblers, who are slated to perform at the Guyana Jamboree at Splashmins this Saturday, alongside Dave Martins and the Trade Winds and the Roy
Geddes Steel Orchestra.
Haralsingh pointed out that most of the arrivals are avid fans of the group and as such opted to be a part of the tour and said they are very fortunate that they are once again in Guyana after being away for more that two decades.
The trio of brothers , Maurice , Bernard and Bing Serrao all expressed delight at being able to return to their homeland to witness the many improvements over the years and to once again perform in their homeland .
“We are happy to be back here and will take the opportunity to see the changes that our country has undergone,” Bing explained, adding, “It was a warm welcome and we are going to have a good time.”
He indicated that the initiative is something that the country should be proud of and persons should take advantage of the chance to offer the service people want in 2010.
In extending gratitude and appreciation to the organizers, both locally and abroad, Bing said, “Everyone did a marvellous job but I want to thank Mr. Colin Stephenson for putting the package together.”
Genesis of the Idea
Coordinator of Stephenson’s Eco-Tours, Colin Stephenson, revealed that the motivation behind the initiative evolved out of the simple idea to showcase Guyana.
“The key is getting people to see the interior of the country and how beautiful it is; the beauty of our land is in the interior and I think that all Guyanese here and abroad should see it.”
He pointed out that the event should serve as an eye-opener for all to see the evolution of the country over the years.
“My company is young and I can see much more ahead,” he stated , adding, “this is only the beginning.”