WE recently noticed in the Monday September 13, 2010, edition of Stabroek News that some farmers are still living and cultivating at Joe Hook and Grass Hook, Mahaica Creek, an area which has been declared unsuitable for farming due to its vulnerability to flooding as a result of climate change.
Some of us once farmed and earned a decent living in the communities of Joe Hook and Grass Hook for more than 25 years, but had to make a decision to remain and suffer at the hands of climate change or take preventative action and continue with our lives.
I am sure that Stabroek News would recall the floods that Mahaica Creek experienced due to the heavy rains in the past where Joe Hook and Grass Hook were most vulnerable. Hence, government has declared the area unfit for agricultural activities and has since supported farmers to be relocated at Hope on the East Coast of Demerara. Those who choose to remain and cultivate do so at their own risk as the areas will continually flood due to increasing effects of climate change. Government has warned on numerous occasions of the risks involved in planting at Joe Hook and Grass Hook, but the very farmers in the Stabroek News article paid no heed; and now that they are affected they make all sorts of excuse.
Nothwithstanding, we are saddened at the loss of farmers’ crops, but at the same time, farmers must listen to the advice of the competent authorities and make informed decisions as it relates to their livelihood and the future of their families. Most of us do not accept change, but sometimes we must, in good faith, and only then we will see the rewards. Currently, those of us who have relocated have no qualms about the decision that we made to relocate as we continue our farm activities at Hope and other areas in Mahaica, without the fear of being flooded.
As the Stabroek News continues to paint a grim picture of agricultural activities and exploit the innocence of farmers, the facts cannot be hidden. To our fellow farmers, we implore you to work with the relevant authorities and to improve your farming activities as we have successfully done with government’s support, and not be distracted or opposed to changes that will better the lives of your families.
Farmers must listen to relevant authorities