TALES FROM WAY BACK WHEN (a look at some of the stories that made the news “back-in-the-day with Clifford Stanley)

Girls on the run

After repeated warnings against trespassing, Cyril  Ramsammy  Pillay, a well known Georgetown character is alleged   to have climbed up on to the flagstaff of a burnt-out building on Water Street.
And though several people called on him to come down, he remained on the flagstaff,  Magistrate Dhan Jhappan was told yesterday.
The Court was told that a Fire Tender had to be summoned to remove him.
Pillay stood charged with having trespassed on the burnt-out area of Water Street formerly occupied by Bookers Shipping Offices.
He pleaded not guilty to the charge.
When his trial opened yesterday he fondled a rosary throughout the proceedings.
He asked for the trial to be started because he had to go into the “bush” and his counsel could not attend.
During the course of the trial everyone except Pillay was smiling.
Sergeant Leonard Ramos  of the Bookers Security Guard told the Court that a report sent him hurriedly to Water Street at about 11.15 a.m. on the day in question.
There he found Pillay perched 30 feet up the flagstaff. A crowd of 150 people were gathered below.
After repeated entreaties by Sergeant Ramos failed, the fire brigade had to be summoned.
When the tender arrived, a ladder was run out.
Pillay descended to the platform of the ruined building , where he was removed by an Officer and three men and handed over to the Police.
Further evidence by the Policeman disclosed that there were trespass warning signs .
Pillay had been warned on previous occasions but had told Sergeant Ramos that he was a shareholder in the business and had permission from a Bookers executive to go on the premises.
Under cross-examination, Sergeant Ramos said that once before he had found Pillay in the same building with a palm tree.
Pillay was warned by the magistrate to be at court at 9.00 a.m. as the trial continues today. (Guiana Graphic January 30, 1963).
Cyril Ramsammy Pillay   stood  unmoved in the dock as people in the court gallery burst into laughter,  and said with dignity: “This is a serious matter.”
Pillay who was accused of trespassing when he climbed atop the flagstaff of the burnt-out Bookers Head Office on December 20, was cross-examining a Policeman at the time.
Police Constable James Ward told Magistrate Dhan Jhappan that while sitting on the flagstaff that day, Pillay shouted: “The British shall forever rule,” and sang in a loud voice.
It was about 11.15 a.m. when he saw Pillay on the flagstaff about 30 feet off the ground .
Pillay, he said, had hailed at a girl saying:”Hey blue eyes….if you want to see me come up and  get me.”
Ward recalled that the Fire Brigade removed Pillay from his lofty seat before he took him to the station.
When Pillay asked him whether he had led him barefooted across the hot oil pools by the Market Square, the Policeman denied the allegation and said that Pillay had appeared to be skipping instead of walking.
“Very good,” remarked Pillay, “Indeed I was jumping.”
At this stage the court burst into laughter.
But Pillay stood unmoved and said: “This is a serious  matter.”
Earlier Corporal Simpson told the magistrate that when Pillay was taken to the guardroom of Brickdam Police Station, he told an officer that he had climbed on the flagstaff “to get a bird’s eye view” of the city.
In replying to a question from Pillay, the Corporal said that in 1958, the defendant had asked to be registered at the passport office as a “diamondologist.”
But he refused to do this when he found that there was no such word in the dictionary.
Pillay told the court that he had placed the Queen’s colors on the flagstaff.
He also exhibited a cup which was thrown to him by an “under-privileged boy.”
Pillay was later reprimanded and discharged. (Guiana Graphic February 1, 1963.)

Police are looking for two teenagers who escaped from the Belfield Girls School on the East Coast of Demerara.
Alexis Smith, 15, was wearing a red plaid dress and was bare-headed and bare-footed when she absconded.
Sheila Fecker, 14, is of fair complexion and was last seen wearing a red blouse and flowered skirt.
She is also without hat or shoes.
The two girls made their break shortly after 7.15 o’clock on Friday night last. (Guiana Graphic February 10, 1963).
A young woman dressed up for her wedding, got the shock of her life in Berbice on Saturday afternoon when the bridegroom failed to keep a date to make the solemn vow.
According to reports, the pretty bride-to-be was about to leave her home at Glasgow Village East Bank Berbice, when she received the frightening news that her lover of Savannah Housing Scheme New Amsterdam, had called off the wedding at the last moment.
The guests had already turned up at the ceremony when they were told that the wedding was called off.
Yesterday, the young man’s father ordered the Graphic Reporter to leave his home and said:”I do not wish your company.” (Guiana Graphic February 11, 1963).
A 52 year old laborer died at the Georgetown Hospital  after he was hit by a train on the East Coast Demerara railway.
His name was given as Bandhoo of Enmore, East Coast Demerara.
It is alleged that he was crossing the train line at Enmore when the accident occurred.
Bandhoo  was thrown some distance away from the point of impact and it is believed that his skull was fractured.
He died without regaining consciousness. (Guiana Graphic February 7, 1963).
The Police are alarmed over the spate of transistor radio thefts which have reached them they said yesterday.
And because of this , Criminal Investigation Department, Brickdam, have stepped up their campaign in an effort to reduce these offences.
Within the past week there have been reports  of six such thefts throughout the city; but good work by C.I.D . Detectives has led to the arrests  of three people.
A Police Official said that a person carrying a transistor is an easy target for thieves, because the radios are held carelessly in the hand.
The Police warned that owners of these sets ought to be more careful and don’t lose themselves in what they hear coming from the radios at this time, because it is at this time that the snatchers strike.
The Police have asked the dealers of transistor sets to put on private marks on these gadgets so that it would be easier for them to solve these thefts (Guiana Graphic February 22, 1963).END.
Picture in GRAPHICS as “PILLAY”.
CAPTION: Pillay atop the Flag Pole.
Following is a letter from a Stanley fan:
Good day Mr. Stanley,
Thanks for writing the “Tales from way back when.” I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the stories.  Actually, 1963 was a great year, it was the year of my birth (lol).
My reason for writing is to inform you of a discussion about one of the stories, Man loses hand in dynamite blast.  I happen to know one of Mr. Arnold Drakes’ sons.  In our discussion about this article, he specifically stated that his father was not a shopkeeper, he was the shop’s owner.  Knowing that the word is often and incorrectly used interchangeably, I informed Mr. Drakes’ son that employees are not shopkeepers.  Shopkeepers, as his father was, are owners, not employees.
Would you mind replying to my statement above about the words shopkeeper and shop owner so that I may share your response with the son who misunderstood your intent?
Thanks again for the articles and keep up the good work.  Anything newsworthy tales from 1926 or 1934?
To: Cheryl Weekes.

Hi Ma’am Thanks for the feedback! As you  have correctly stated,  to Guyanese,  the words Shopkeeper and Shop owner mean the same thing: Proprietor.
As for 1926 and 1934, I can take at look at  some of the  stories of those times, not immediately, but on or  before mid-November. Once again, thanks for your interest. Hope the stories keep doing something  for you.
Clifford Stanley can be reached to discuss any of the foregoing articles at cliffantony@gmail.com or cell phone # 657 2043.

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