NARI Head of Research Unit/ Research Scientist, Dr. Raghunath Chandranauth
The National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) is Guyana’s premier research institution and Head of Research Unit/ Research Scientist, Dr. Raghunath Chandranauth, said the Unit is making significant strides to improve the livelihood of farmers and other stakeholders. However, he maintained that stakeholders should step up their involvement in the direction research is going, making it a more participatory process.
Participatory research is essentially a recognized form of experimental research that focuses on the effects of the researcher’s direct actions of practice within a participatory community, with the goal of improving the performance, in this case improving productivity of agricultural products.
Chandranauth stressed that research drives development and over the years his Unit has assisted in improving agricultural productivity and food security.
He explained that NARI’s Research Unit focuses on several areas which include Soil and Water Management, Agronomy, Bio-technology and Plant Genetic Research, and Crop Protection.
In particular, he noted that these focus areas support non-traditional agriculture crops – fruits and vegetables.
Chandranauth acknowledged that there are some challenges with human resources, but moves are being made to address this.
According to him, the facilities and infrastructure are in place and feature a Pathology Laboratory, an Entomology Laboratory, a Weed Science Laboratory, a Biology Unit, Seed Technology Laboratory, A Micro-biology Laboratory and one of the new additions, the Tissue Culture Laboratory.
“Research essentially supports crop development, so with the right infrastructure in place, we are able offer more support to the farmers,” he said.
Some of the projects that the Research Unit is currently supporting include:
Establishing the yield potential of feijao beans on clay soil;
Community crop products in North East Kara Kara, Linden;
Production of tissue culture plantlet of targeted crop species to be used as a foundation seed source for commercial plantlet production;
The integrated management of weeds in an aquatic environment; and
Agriculture Diversification in Region Eight (Potaro/ Siparuni), where there is huge unexplored hinterland that has been and could again be used for the cultivation of non-traditional crops. These crops include Irish potatoes and onions, which were planted there before, and carrots and grapes, plants which the soil type will support.
On the Ground Support
In the past year, the Research Unit Head noted that farmers have had many challenges, everything from El Nino to not planting the right crops.
Chandranauth said in the current La Nina phase, insect populations are more prevalent, since in the dry they seek out young plant shoots.
In this regard, he noted that his Unit advances research findings, in other words technology, to address this problem, so that productivity is not affected.
During periods of flooding, he said pests and diseases are more likely and the Unit takes a similar approach.
Chandranauth added that an area where farmers are largely supported is soil testing to ensure that they plant the right crops in the right soil, since a large percentage of farmers do not, and this affects productivity, which essentially boils down to more problems and less disposable income in their pockets.
He observed that farmers are supported with free advisory services and field training, as well as the knowledge that they have the Research Unit at their disposal.
He said his Unit is linked to Extension Services, whose officers are also trained by the Unit, and when the farmer’s problem cannot be addressed by them, officers from Research are tasked with finding the solution.
On this note, he cited the identification of plant diseases, some of which look alike, and noted that the extension officers may not always be in a position to identify exactly the plant disease.
“It always comes back to the farmers’ lives, supporting them…we use research to drive development that benefits the people on the ground,” he said.