Glenn frighten he get “cat-boil”
Bluetoothers sympathising with Adam. Glenn and Gordon expose he. Dem call he all kinds o’ name. Derogatory names. Adam reminiscing. With a “katahar” in he hand, he remembering all de time when he does gat to follow Glenn all over even at some conferences and rum shop. He don’t mind de rum shop. Is Glenn spending. He vex ‘bout de conferences. Glenn does want people fuh know he own de paper. As de owner, he seh he gat right fuh attend. Glenn GINA pass does mek it easy fuh he.
Everybody know it ain’t easy fuh Glenn fuh represent de paper and report pun any conference. Now, Glenn did seh that GINA does give pick-pocket, weed cutter and drain cleaner pass. He gat one. One and one mek two. Dem boys seh eleven. Eleven is still two; two digits. That aside, Adam does gat fuh be “invisible” at conferences with Glenn. Glenn don’t want people fuh know that is Adam brain he using. That is why Adam vex with Glenn.
Glenn using he. Now Glenn turn round and put he down in de gutter by calling he “drain cleaner”. Adam gat a GINA pass too! So is Gordon. Since Glenn put “names” to some people who gat GINA pass, changes in some credits had to be made. Fuh de Waterfalls paper, yuh now seeing, “Publisher; Pickpocket Laaal; Editor-in-Chief; Draincleaner “Katahar” Harisss. Fuh kaPITall kNEWS, yuh seeing Presenter and Senior rePORTER; Weedcutter Mostly.
A Bluetoother seh Adam and Gordon vex people calling dem “pick-pocket”, “Drain cleaner” and “weed cutter”. Dem knocking pun Glenn door demanding that he come out and tek back what he seh ‘bout de passes. Glenn seh he not teking it back since he gon get cat-boil. And since he ain’t gat hair fuh hide it, de cat-boil gon stand out like he paper lies. Adam seh if he don’t tek it back, he not following he to any conferences. So if you don’t see Glenn at de next big conference, know why. Is cat-boil he frighten. Hmmm!