J.C. Chandisingh took the top spot this year for Region 6 (East Berbice/Corentyne) this year with a 64 percent average score. Miss. Pulmattie Rabinchand, 16 years old of J.C Chandisingh High School has gained great honour and success by obtaining 11 Grade ones with nine distinctions and two Grade IIs in her Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) examinations. When the Guyana Chronicle visited her home last Wednesday, she said that she has high hopes of becoming a lawyer in the near future. Her plan for now is to become a teacher, attend University of Guyana (UG), at the Tain /Berbice Campus and then prepare herself to leave home to study at Turkeyen University Campus to become a practicing lawyer in her area that she hails from, Haswell, Port Mourant.
She contended that if there could be quality courses offered at the Turkeyen Campus of UG, the same lecturers that instruct there can come to Berbice and provide a wider opportunity for children in Berbice who have potential but are not given attention.
Phulmattie also said there is need for more improvement in the education system in Berbice by offering more subjects to students thereby giving them more opportunities in life.
She attributed her success to studying hard, attending extra lessons and group work with colleagues by working out past CSEC examination papers.
Her advice is: “Success only comes through hard work. Dedication comes from hard work. Put your best foot forward.” Her gratitude is extended to her parents for supporting her, the teachers of J.C. Chandisingh for working along with her, and most of all she would like to thank God. There was a tie at second place for the overall CSEC exams in Berbice, and also a tie for the top student of (Multilateral) New Amsterdam Secondary scoring the same average percentage of 62 and the same exact grades of 8 Distinctions, 2 grade ones and one grade two respectively, scoring 11 subjects each. The names of the students that made second place in region 6 but topped their school were:
Dave Sarran 16 years old of 95/97 Vryhmen’s Erven, New Amsterdam and 17-year old Sarah Elizabeth Khemraj.
Dave would like to pursue a career in Civil Engineering at Turkeyen, UG Campus. His favourite subjects are Maths and Physics. His study went through with planning his day as to how much time to spend behind books and still have time for relaxation and went to bed early. His advice towards upcoming exam students is to ensure you know where you are in the syllabus, keep everything under control and have free time as well. His advice towards the improvement of the governmental educational system is to introduce Mathematics and Physics CAPE exams at New Amsterdam Multilateral High School and in this regard he is suggesting that the government can create a linkage with other schools offering those subjects, which would be a major improvement.
Sarah Elizabeth Khemraj, from Courtland Corentyne Berbice, advice to students is to study hard, stay focused and have trust in God and be the best you can be.
She would also like to thank God for everything he has done for her, his wisdom and strength he gave to her, her pastor, parents, sisters and a few teachers that helped her. 3rd Runner up for the overall CSEC exam results in Berbice was granted to Miss. Shifali Safia Ahmed, 16 years old, of Fyrish, got 60 percent with 6 Distinctions, 4 grade ones, and 1 grade two a total of 11 subjects, and said she studied last moment and it helped her because if she would have tormented her brain from months before she would have forgotten everything. Her advice though is if you can practice to answer questions from past examination papers it will benefit you in the long run. “Do not depend on teachers and parents. Grab all the help you need from text books and past exam papers,” she exhorted.
Her ambition is to become a gynecologist and practice in in Berbice as currently there is none in her community. The thought of calling Agriculture Science Double Award and it isn’t even a double award, interests the mind of this young individual and wonders why they call it something it is not?
She would also like to thank the almighty for helping her because without him nothing would be possible, her parents, friends and the few teachers that showed interests in these students. She claims that schools are producing people with potential but the teachers should boost you.
She also called on the Education Ministry to look into the science field more at her school.
Without perseverance she said she would not have reached anywhere because they had no science teachers and had to study from text books in order to pass.
The 4th place student for the entire Berbice is Rosav Devi Persaud Sukdeo, 16 years old of 14 Lancaster Village. She is the daughter of the owner of Bio Tech Labs and would like to say special thanks to her dad for assisting her with her studies when they had no science teacher.
Her goal is to become a paediatrician that is if the course will be taught in Guyana, saying herself along with other females have the same problem of wanting to go overseas or Georgetown to study but fathers especially do not want to allow their girl children to study elsewhere which is not supportive and stops the individual that has potential from further progress in life and what she could offer to others. She gained 1 Distinction, 4 grade ones, seven Grade twos and two Grade threes respectively, giving her a 60 percent average. She broke the record of writing the most subjects that totalled to 14. She gives special thanks to her Head of Department, Ms. Benn and others who assisted her, and especially to God for giving her strength, as she is aware that she looks very feeble. The top fifth place goes to Miss. Bibi Sheniza Khan, from Skeldon Line Path Secondary. She is the top student of the school and the head teacher there is very proud of the success and prestige she has brought to the school. For an upper Corentyne Secondary School, Line Path is the farthest school from Georgetown It is rated as one of the best schools in Berbice.
When the media spoke to Miss. Bibi Sheniza Khan of her great success, she was overwhelmed with excitement. “Thank you so much for letting me know, I never knew I was picked as the fifth best passing student of the CSEC exams in Berbice. Thank you. Thanks so much,” she exclaimed.” This young woman excelled with eight distinctions and two grade ones, 10 subjects at 58%.
The other gifted student who came in at 6th place out of the top ten in Corentyne was Dianne Elizabeth Fraser, 16 years old who also topped her school Berbice High located in the heart of New Amsterdam. She was overwhelmed with joy when speaking to the Chronicle yesterday scoring three distinctions, five grade ones, three grade twos and one grade three being the top student for her school, a total of 12 subjects with a 58 % average. The seventh best top performer for CSEC in Corentyne but who also topped his individual school, Tagore Memorial Secondary goes to Reaz Kayum a 17 year old of No.57 village who conquered the top spot with seven grade ones which included 6 Distinctions, and 4 grade two’s which equaled to 11 subjects, 57%, and was wondering if Guyana could provide scholarships to the U.S.A. to open more opportunities for young individuals who have potential and can improve society. The 8th runner up could not have been contacted with the Guyana Chronicle but her name is Radika Bissoondatt of Multilateral and according to her marks given by the ministry of Education, she came 5th with her school and has the following: five distinctions, three grade ones and three grade twos respectively giving her a total of 11 subjects at 57%. Number nine was Asheer Khan who got five distinctions and five grade ones tallying off to 10 subjects at 55%. Toolaram Tekeshwar who works for attorney Edmund Persid in New
Amsterdam has a total of 11 subjects consisting of 5 distinctions, one grade one and five grade twos well done for a 55% average student.
Statistical Report
According to the Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC) Exam results in Region 6 for this year 2010, the Average Grade Percentage for The three top schools, rated A schools are: The top school in Berbice, New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary, received 85% of Grade 1-3 results while Second best school is J.C. Chandisingh scored 83.1% while third place was Berbice High School 83%. The total average of all the 16 secondary schools that took part in the examinations namely: Skeldon Line Path, Skeldon High School, Tagore Memorial, Central Corentyne, Black Bush, Winifred Gaskin, Manchester Secondary, Corentyne Comprehensive, J.C. Chandisingh, Lower Corentyne, Canje Secondary, Berbice High School, Vryman’s Erven, Berbice Educational Institute, New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary, and Tutorial Academy came up with the total of 68% Grades (1-3). Between this year results 2010 68% from Last years Grades (1-3) results of 2009 63%, there has been a significant increase of 5% during the past year which obviously identifies that students are doing well at school and getting better every year. From 2008 56% 0f Grade (1-3’s) to this current year 2010 68%, have increased dramatically to a solid 12% showing you how much our children improved within the education system in High school, according to this statistical report given my Ms. Shafira Bhajan head Education officer of region 6.
Since English ‘A’ (Grammar) and Mathematics are the core subjects in our education system, it was notable that all the schools wrote these subjects and the amount of students that sat English ‘A’ this year 2010 was 1,296 students and for Mathematics it was a total of 1,297 a grand total of children that sat CSEC in Berbice was 9,713. Some of the subjects that were offered at these high schools that students took part in were: Agricultural Science Double Award, Agricultural Science Single Award, Biology, Caribbean History, Chemistry, Clothing and Textile, English ‘A’ (Grammar), English ‘B’ (Literature), Food and Nutrition, Geography, Home Economics Management, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Music, Office Administration, Physics, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Social Studies, Physical Education and Sports, Spanish, Technical Drawing, Human And Social Biology, Typewriting, Electrical Document Preparation and Management, Electrical and Electrical Technician, Information Technology (IT), Mechanical Engineering Technician, Theatre Arts.
J.C. Chandisingh’s Phulmattie Rabinchand tops Region 6 CSEC results